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  1. trying to find the correct torque setting for the collar nut on the output flange on my 2011 6hp26 zf auto, ford seem to think its a big secret
  2. thanks for your ideas, how do I get in touch with technico that sounds like a good thing
  3. any ideas about the rubber donut on the 2011 FG xr6T 6 speed auto drive , asked about making a new tail shaft and was advised to have a steel flange made instead of the standard rubber damper, the engine only makes about 350kw,
  4. I am trying to find any engine internal differences of a G6 compared to a XR6T, and I can't seem to see any , am I missing something, I have looked on the forum without success , I have a very low k G6 that I am thinking of bolting on a turbo to bring the G6 up to about 300kw , I like the car but it needs a bit of go would appreciate your views..
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