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About browned

  • Birthday 05/07/1976

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    Hamilton, New Zealand

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  1. Had the rear tyres changed due to wof failure so they were balanced in the shop. Will get the mount inspected. Starting to think the vibration is there at any speed above 55km, just cannot feel it as well as between 55-65km. Thanks
  2. Hoping to get some more ideas on a vibration occuring during cruise speeds, minor load, from 55 to 65km. I cannot notice any vibrations in the steering wheel, it is more the center of the car close to drivers leg. Local ford dealer has replaced the drive shaft hanger bearing and balanced it ($1+K later) still exactly the same, oh and they are insisting it needed to be done to pass the warrant of fitness, although the WOF form clearly states it failed due to right rear tire. So they are now saying it is normal and all old Falcons do it. But they will replace both half shafts for $5K in parts and then labour on top. No thanks. I am taking it to another shop later this week. Hoping they will diagnose it better having wasted $1k already. - Vibration 55-65km, cruising at 55km, no real load apart from staying at 55km. - No vibration at idle, stationary, and I cannot feel it above 65km. - Front wheel bearings replaced 40K ago. Not sure the rear ones have been replaced. Just passed WOF, assume they would have check them. - Not sure on engine mounts, but could be an option, although I would think it would vibrate all the time. - any other ideas? Thanks
  3. Foscan is available at Forscan.org Torque is available in the play or iPhone stores. Good for monitoring cars and recording data from your trips. You will need a ODBII adapter to plug into your diagnostics port. scantool.net sell some good options. I have heard the wifi ones are not too reliable so Bluetooth might be the best option. You can also get cheaper ones from eBay but some of those are flaky. I didn't think the battery would cause issues either, accessories are normally powered by the running engine I thought. Anyway I had the A/C fault and HIM fault and reset them, symptoms included hot air on the feet and cold air on the face/screen. So far after getting a new larger 630cca battery in there I have had no faults with anything. The original battery was 5 years old so probably overdue a replacement.
  4. Disconnecting the battery is a good option. But if the battery is getting a bit old it will only temporarily solve the problem. I found this when out when I used Forscan (Android Beta) to reset the 2 A/C fault codes, one HIM and another one I can't remember. I also had a faulty brake switch that kept faulting the dsc and traction control. So after resetting the A/C faults they would come back. Lived with it for a couple of weeks then dead battery one morning. New battery in reset faults and since then no A/C fault codes and no issues with A/C. Brake switch still needed replacing so only cost $40 to fix that and reset the fault codes. So far the ODBII wifi adapter and Forscan/Torque are the best investment I have made for the Ford.
  5. Not keen on RS, isn't it 55th Anniversary time? And I hope there's a G6ET included.
  6. I have had duraseal put onto the car, it is supposed to last 5 years. Once that is put on cleaning involves spraying on some meguiars cleaner wiping it with a microfiber cloth, then drying off with another clean microfiber cloth. After that I have the option of Blacklight or optiseal coating. Blacklight is like a polish wipe on and microfiber cloth off. Optiseal is easier with a wipe on application and done. http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/topic/89200-2010-g6e-turbo-50th-anniversary-pics/
  7. Some readings are good but accurate is better don't you think? I am wondering about Torque, getting caution icy audio messages on a 20 degree morning is a bit odd. But then again I was driving on the thermal explorer highway.
  8. I haven't fitted an oil cooler, car is stock. Does it come with one stock? if not my question still stands as to what other people are seeing on long drives and/or around the track. thanks
  9. Well got my OBDLink MX Wifi and thin extension cable early this week. Everything is setup and running and I am happy. But, are we really sure about the oil temperatures. Using the equation (((A*256)+B)*5)/74-16 I got the oil up to 84.6 degrees this morning. Starting at 23 degrees in the garage (which is about right). Driving a short trip to school, then longer to work about 20 minutes driving in total. But from reading around it seems that normal engine oil operating temperature should about 7 - 10 degrees higher than the water coolant which reached 90 degrees this morning. What temps are people getting on longer driver or at the race track?
  10. When it comes to resale a couple of grand return is a good thing. Other than that it is simple to look after with a clean taking about 45 minutes and it is just as shiny as the day it was polished.
  11. $250nzd for the clean and polish and stone chip repair. $450nzd for the duraseal coating. So far so good in regards cleaning it each week, spray on some cleaner and wipe with a microfiber cloth.
  12. I was there on Friday, but only being a passenger in an NZV8 car. About 1 min and a few seconds per lap. Hitting 220+ on the main straight. The stopping power of those things is nuts, if you aren't used to it you could snap your neck with the extra weight of the helmet not helping. I have T3's rotors and some cheap pads, but they seem to hold up well to day to day stuff. I am sure the pads would be a bit useless on a track, but the rotors are great. BNT can get them, can't recall the price, think in the area of $700nzd. How is the tune, all sorted now?
  13. Blkdiamond let me know how you get on with this, I am tempted to go with the kings myself but I have a few steep speed bumps as part of the morning school run and if I take them above 15km I seem to bounce and scrap the front of the car after the engine. I would also be interested in the costs in NZ.
  14. Got this information from Ford NZ if anyone was wondering 50th Anniversary FG's in New Zealand Falcon FG G6E 35 2010 = 33 2011 = 2 Falcon FG G6ET 20 2010 = 18 2011 = 2 Falcon FG XR6 171 2010 = 158 2011 = 13 Falcon FG XR6T 20 2010 = 20 Total 246 Looks like the 2011 models are very limited.
  15. Obviously I didn't clean them enough, but then again I might have got carried away with the bedding in stop start thing. Maybe I was starting to hard
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