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About Ferret75

  • Birthday 25/11/1975

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    Central Coast

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  1. Ferret75

    ZF Problem

    Thank you for your replies. I thought I may have bumped it back into 1st when it happen the first time. The second time my hand was not near the shifter. Yes it's a stock tune. It does seem like it free revs. Gear box was serviced at 70,000km by specialist. Asked about doing heat exchanger he reckons they can fail when brand new? I think I will check out the coil packs and go from there. Thanks again.
  2. Ferret75

    ZF Problem

    Hi, I have a fg xr6 turbo with a zf transmission. 2010 model, 85,000km. When it's in performance mode and I give it a bit from a dead stop it feels like it goes to change into second but then stays in first, revs really hard but dosn't go anywhere. Just wondering if anyone has had s similar problem or knows what it could be? Thanks in advance.
  3. Happy Birthday Ferret75!

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  4. Happy Birthday Ferret75!

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  5. Yes mine has the orange sticker in the drivers door, but I'm confused why there are no holes in the interior anywhere????
  6. Thank you ms 700 I was just looking for an honest opinion. Much appreciated.
  7. Yes I am loving it, does have the bigger brakes And rims It has 50,500 km's, will post pics when I can get some in day light
  8. It was from a dealer. Looks like it was from the NSW south coast area. Why tooooooo many Lols?
  9. I just bought a 2010FG XR6T. As I was going through the manual I noticed it was a ex police fleet vehicle. Just wondering how to know what mods it may have if any. Any input or information would be greatly appreciated.
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