Welcome to the forum. Does the budget include the vehicle purchase price ? Are you hands on and doing a lot of the mechanical work yourself or paying pros to do it for you ? I don't think there is a definite safe tune when getting in the 450-550 rwkw range. Lots of variables and more info needed but budget for 40k plus.
It varies from shop to shop. Some just bore a bigger hole while others port the passage behind for better flow and boost control. There are good threads on this in this forum you just need to use the search function.
Bit of both, fold and scrunch but mostly fold. Funny to wake up to this topic this morning whislt I have to mix up and drink Picoprep and be a passenger on the porcelain bus all day. Might not need paper, just a hose.
Im with gunna, Top result for ramp rate if it is correct but I don't think with that hardware 344@10psi is possible. Unless the op left a little out like Nizpro plenum and E85 fuel and tune. Dyno sheet pic would be good for proof.