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Everything posted by JVK

  1. Top job bloke, that looks great .
  2. That is a nice sleeper Gunna. Who owns that one and are they a member on here ?
  3. Good to know you bleed like the rest of us,lol
  4. JVK

    Willo88's G6E T

    You could make a cover for your breathers sorta like your air filter setup and then they wont stand out as much.Looks good though.
  5. Is the engine modified? You might want to get a second opinion from someone who knows these cars well before purchasing engines. What area do you live in so someone can give a recommendation of a local specialist in your area.
  6. Peppy when you do the cam swaps in the Ls2/3s do you hold up the roller lifters up with pencil magnets or have you been pulling the heads ?
  7. Did this quite a few years ago on the stock system and iirc came up with the same results, 4 psi drop across the system.
  8. You might want to get your ball joints checked on the orange car by a decent mechanic. These cars are hard on them. You may as well get him to check your other car as well. There could be many reasons for it feeling sluggish.Take it to a decent workshop that is familiar with these cars or it will cost a lot on mis diagnosis. What area do you live in ?
  9. Turbo 400 is better to drive with in a street car but saps more engine power than the p/g but the glide is better at the strip with the right tyres and the the right convertor. The glide is less fun to drive on the street and can feel a bit booooring.
  10. That bolts on to the rear extension housing on the gearbox.
  11. Are the hoses still attached to the boost solenoid or is there a hose running from the front turbo cover going straight to the wastegate actuator?
  12. Very nice F6 brett, How much did you pick her up for and how many Ks on it ?
  13. Whats the go there? Has Tony had enough and moved on to better things?
  14. Sounds like you had a severe case of detonation.
  15. Wouldn't be a bad sleeper project Butt plug, Early model skyline with an xrt donk!
  16. The weaker BA and fourspeed can cop 350rwkw + if you can find the right Tuner. With the supporting hardware !
  17. My sons 2008 fg g6e did similar funkey things and it was not battery related either,been there done that. After many weird driving dilemas and no start issues at random times it endind up being a corroded wiring problem in the dash, ICC plug area I think and was fixed by a Ford dealer.
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