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Everything posted by JVK

  1. What cooler are you running Finney?
  2. They both fatigue,the passenger one gets streched under torque load while the driver side gets compressed. you are better off replacing both mounts.
  3. You really need to make your pipework out of aluminium as stainless is going to get heatsoak and give you greif with rising intake temps which will lead to poor performance.
  4. Good to see someone trying these mounts out and giving us all feedback. Can see these becomming a common upgrade.
  5. Run the trans cooler on its own then you never have to worry about it mixing with coolant if the rad fails.
  6. Pretty sure he meant the to4z wheel .
  7. No one has given you the answer to this yet but you can do it . You can have a standard shifting pattern in drive and firmer crisper shift pattern programmed into the performance mode of the trans.
  8. The aussie site only sell the pro version afaik.I just rang them direct and spoke to Greg when I purchased mine.
  9. You can by it from Vcm Suite Australia, they have a on line store and are located in victoria. About $900 buys the Pro version with 8 credits. You are better to load the stock tune and save it as the base file and then reload the sct tunes and save the files and use the compare function of the software if you want to veiw the differences.And yes you can buy with your mates and tune a couple cars with the credits supplied. Two credits per Ford vehicle and the software updates are free. cheers Some Tuners Tunerlock but afaik this function only works on GM tunes.
  10. JVK

    Pcm Tune

    Anything is possible if the desire is there to acheive a result but in this instance it sounds like BS, but Im happy to be proven wrong.Cheers.
  11. What injectors were you thinking of using?
  12. JVK

    Pcm Tune

    Are you for real impellor? Who in their right mind would nail it in a high powerd car with the fuel light on and jack all fuel in the tank?
  13. JVK

    Pcm Tune

    Ask him what software he is tuning it with.
  14. JVK

    Xcal 3

    Near Mildura,PM sent.
  15. JVK

    Xcal 3

    I am after 550 inc postage It may end up in there yet Shy.
  16. JVK

    Xcal 3

    Ive got a spare unmarried X-cal 3 to sell if anyone is looking for one.
  17. T/B is throttle body,Take the crossover set up off and clean the internals of the throttle body with carby clean or something similar.Get someone to turn the ign key on without starting the engine and put their foot flat to the floor on the accelerator which opens the throttleblade and spray a reasonable amount in there.It gets rid of alot of sh*t that gunks up in there. It can help with alot of stalling issues.
  18. You will more than likely fix the problem by giving the t/b a good clean with carby cleaner.
  19. You just got to love this guy and his car, Great result and what a way to do it at an all GM day.You rule Boges!
  20. Just bolt the boost sensor near the original area and leave the factory wiring connected and just run line to it .
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