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Everything posted by JVK

  1. Sad to here that Kimberley, Your mate wasn't in south vic was he?
  2. ^^^^^^^^ What the all said.Very valid and positive comments for both cars. In the end put your arse in both cars and drive them. Both are very good platforms to work with.
  3. Could be coils but you are better off taking it to someone who knows these cars to check it for you. In the end it could save you $$$ and save youself the trouble of chasing your tail.
  4. Some times its this forum that keeps some of us sane when things in life turn to sh*t.Keep your chin up and be positive and it will eventually turn for the better.
  5. Ahh think it was aimed at me Gun but Rednose is right. I should of read all the pages of posts before posting myself. All good im only human and still learing about E85.
  6. Maybe the new style sensor is more accurate than the old one, given the information that Gun posted earlier from Caltex.
  7. I reckon Ford would have already tried the complete broadband manifold in testing with the turbo motor and it must of been of some benefit for them not use what they already had.
  8. Since you are going to modify the wiring for the conversion you may as well mount the ECU inside the cab for extra peace of mind considering the intended purpose of the vehicle.
  9. Add a wogcooler and some Tuna, should add about another 100kw.
  10. Ralph is right about porting the turbo yourself , but if you are not chasing big power why not just put in the std cat and not worry about over boost .
  11. What did the guy test with to come up with that figure? Where in a rwc does it state to check the power of the vehicle ? As far as I know that is only <20%> used for a engine size capacity increase before it is deemed to need an engineers report for the larger capacity engine.
  12. Get someone with experience on these cars to have a look at it. You could have any number of problems. The trans is a very expensive place to start especialy if it doesn't fix your problem.
  13. ^^^^^WHS. Panda is right, You need to list your mods and power level at the moment for others to give you good advice.
  14. Did they let their customers know in writing or just BANG ! done?
  15. On the move, nearly all done Kroozin.
  16. Lol, You got caught out. Good comeback on the 2nd post though.
  17. Kosij did you ever use any s/h autos as well or were they all built autos ?
  18. A couple oil and filter changes in a very short period is cheap insurance when you build hi po engines. 1000k oil change on a stock motor isn't such a big deal.
  19. That doesn't look good at all. What is the big piece from ?
  20. Std bore size is the best one to run if possible. It leaves the the cylinder walls at their best wall thickness which is better for ring sealing, heat dissipation and strength. The only other option is boring and fitting thick wall sleeves for maximum cylinder strength.
  21. Get a quote from another shop that deals in these cars, You might have to drive further but it may be more beneficial for you.
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