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  1. haha I found it guys. its a weight to help with NVH thanks
  2. anyone have a pic of a gearbox with it on? please? Jamo
  3. Hi all, So I recently purchased an BA II XR6T with the T56 6 speed manual transmission in it. When I bought it there were a few things I wanted to do before cranking the power up. The rear end got some new parts (lower control arms, lower control arm bushes, new centre diff bush, new blade bushes, put in a new balanced tail shaft, new centre hanger bearing). So after doing all that it also needed a new clutch (it had a ceramic button clutch in there and quite frankly they are dogs to drive on the street). I am in the process of changing that clutch as I write this. My question is .. when I bought the car I found these parts in the boot. When I asked the previous owner what they were he said something to do with the gearbox. So ... for the life of me I have no idea where these go. Could someone help me out and let me know what these are (look like a mount plate of some sort) and where they go ... please!! Thanks in advance JAMO
  4. Cheers for that, can get em that price from Repco appreciate it.
  5. And the benefit of the T3's over the T2's?
  6. These aren't covers and they are listed as a Brembo onseller, but anyway, I'm not set on anything to be honest, so how much am I looking at roughly for the T2's and T3's? I am located in Perth, I know Repco sell them.
  7. http://www.ebay.com/itm/121289852960?_trksid=p2060778.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT#vi-ilComp theses are the discs I was looking at
  8. eseriesaddict

    Ba Brakes

    Ok I have searched and searched but can't find a definitive answer. I have an XR6T BAII, and I am looking to replace the front brake rotors and was curious to know if the brakes differ from the N/A XR or the XT or whatever (without the upgrade pack). What are all the BA brake specs?? I have found a set of Brembo Slotted Discs and pads but they just say BA, BF, FG nothing about XR or XR6T. Sorry, if you can understand my rambling I'd love some clarification Cheers in advance Jamo
  9. hrmm ok, so is that a common thing? where abouts do they split exactly? Jamin
  10. Hey guys, I have had my BA XR6T for a could of weeks now, and I'm reasonably mechanically minded but this is my first turbo car and am not overly familiar with them. I just noticed on the way home from work that I seem to have lost a lot of power on boost. I take off in first and it sounds normal, turbo spooling up and then the waste gate dosing as I back off power to change gears (6 speed manual). But its raining here and I can't even get it to break traction under full boost (or even activate traction control). Certainly doesn't have the punch it used to. Something is happening, you can feel it spooling up and it certainly delivers more power than if the turbo wasn't working, but no where near what it used to. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated, as I'm really down that this has happened just a couple of weeks after getting it. Hoping its not something major :( Cheers, Jamin
  11. So what exactly is the difference in the ba/bf lights?? I keep looking but can't see it. I was just gonna put them on to get the chrome strip back, chose bf ones cos everyone says they look better :/ noob question, I know
  12. Yeah I will be doing that pretty quick, BF lights, not a fan of black rims actually, or 19's for that matter want a set of the BFII xr8 18" 5 spokes with the charcoal insert bit, Hopefully some one one day will swap with me heres hopin. and he loved black everything, those tail lights have had the chrome strip under them painted black and all the XR6 badges are black ill probably change them back to chrome too with the black turbo under the boot one. either that or take all those badges completely off. Then id like a bobtail spoiler instead, but matching paint colour could be tricky, we'll see how that goes
  13. no the one I'm getting is the T56 6 speed, was just making a comment on a post from Ralph Wiggum.
  14. yeah I'm really hoping so too!! tmrw night I get her!! also I meant to say the T5's DONT enjoy excessive power :|
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