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About FoRalph

  • Birthday 31/03/1967

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  • Location
    south coast nsw
  • Interests
    fish/bourbon/xr6t/bourbon/texasholdempoker/ and bourbon

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  1. Hey peeps. I hate to sound like a dick but am not sure about restoring the paint on my Ba xr6. I believe they are a clear coat finish and am told I could stuff it if I cut and polish it...Any tips lads/lasses.
  2. It could be one or two known problems 1: the heater core has Kaaput...hence the wet carpet. 2: the Automatic gearbox coolant pipes enter the radiator to be cooled. They can corrode allowing the pressure from your radiator to push coolant into your gearbox...and the leak appears to be from your gearbox This I have learnt from the seriously intelligent buggers that haunt this site and others... PRAISE BE TO THE WISEGUYS
  3. I have read on this site that there can be an issue with the automatic cooling pipes corroding inside the radiator tank,thus allowing the pressure from your cooling system to fill your auto with coolant...Hence the leak appears to be in the gearbox. DANGER WILL ROBINSON... footnote: I dont know if this is an issue with the fg's, but is known to happen on the ba's...especially taxi's
  4. Gday lads, just want to thank you all for your font of knowledge. Have owned my Ba for a year now and yes a few minor issues here and there. Before that had a bravo 4x4 for 17yrs. With money tight you blokes give an old backyarder the confidence to save a quid and get it done right 1st time....cheers to all
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