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About alan_fgxr6TMK2

  • Birthday 21/02/1990

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  1. Happy Birthday alan_fgxr6TMK2!

  2. Nah mate not yet but have done engine mods to it already and I think it may have voided my warranty, Ford already replaced it apparently when it was on 12000kms.. Does tramp a little thoigh
  3. Yeh thanks mate, didnt mean to say presets with out a tuner.. What exhaust did you run also? Did you have to port the wastegate
  4. Hey was hearing a knock in the back end of my ute and knocking when taking off and turning corners. Checked the diff and driveshaft for anything unusual and found the rubber in centre cradle worn Does anyone know the part number or an aftermarket upgrade for this? Thanks all
  5. Not sure why it reposted so many times automatically, would it be best to get a single tune or to run a X3 flash tuner with presets Thanks
  6. hey just asking for some information on changing out the actuator from standard to aftermarket turbosmart 12 PSI. I have a fgxr6T mk2 current mods CAPA STEPPED INTERCOOLER CAPA ALLOY HOT/COLD PIPING KIT PLAZMAMAN TBR REPLACEMENT PLAZMAMAN 4'' INTAKE KIT WITH BATTERY RELOCATION TURBOSMART KOMPACT B.O.V I am running standard ecu tune if I change out the actuator to 12PSI is it necessary to have the ecu retuned to 12PSI also will the boost pressure be affected. If I dont retune will the wastegate only open at 12PSI now? thought I would ask instead of doing any damage thanks
  7. hey just asking for some information on changing out the actuator from standard to aftermarket turbosmart 12 PSI. I have a fgxr6T mk2 current mods CAPA STEPPED INTERCOOLER CAPA ALLOY HOT/COLD PIPING KIT PLAZMAMAN TBR REPLACEMENT PLAZMAMAN 4'' INTAKE KIT WITH BATTERY RELOCATION TURBOSMART KOMPACT B.O.V I am running standard ecu tune if I change out the actuator to 12PSI is it necessary to have the ecu retuned to 12PSI also will the boost pressure be affected. If I dont retune will the wastegate only open at 12PSI now? thought I would ask instead of doing any damage thanks
  8. hey just asking for some information on changing out the actuator from standard to aftermarket turbosmart 12 PSI. I have a fgxr6T mk2 current mods CAPA STEPPED INTERCOOLER CAPA ALLOY HOT/COLD PIPING KIT PLAZMAMAN TBR REPLACEMENT PLAZMAMAN 4'' INTAKE KIT WITH BATTERY RELOCATION TURBOSMART KOMPACT B.O.V I am running standard ecu tune if I change out the actuator to 12PSI is it necessary to have the ecu retuned to 12PSI also will the boost pressure be affected. If I dont retune will the wastegate only open at 12PSI now? thought I would ask instead of doing any damage thanks
  9. hey just asking for some information on changing out the actuator from standard to aftermarket turbosmart 12 PSI. I have a fgxr6T mk2 current mods CAPA STEPPED INTERCOOLER CAPA ALLOY HOT/COLD PIPING KIT PLAZMAMAN TBR REPLACEMENT PLAZMAMAN 4'' INTAKE KIT WITH BATTERY RELOCATION TURBOSMART KOMPACT B.O.V I am running standard ecu tune if I change out the actuator to 12PSI is it necessary to have the ecu retuned to 12PSI also will the boost pressure be affected. If I dont retune will the wastegate only open at 12PSI now? thought I would ask instead of doing any damage thanks
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