Hi all, this my first post. My BA xr6 turbo recently developed a knock at the back of the engine. I took it to a reputable tuning shop and they have advised me that the worn harmonic balancer has wrecked the oil pump, which is causing the cam/valve train to knock at the back of the engine. Has anyone had this happen before?The shop also advised that a new balancer and pump probably wouldn't fix it. Car has 196k. They also advised against a second hand turbo engine as it would most likely be flogged. They did suggest the cheap option of putting a late BF n/a engine in to get my back on the road. I've only had the car a few months. I've only done 4000ks and I've spent @$10k so far. So pretty pissed obviously. Does anyone have a good 2nd running engine? Any advice appreciated. Cheers