Hi Guys, Have a strange issue after installing a new pioneer head unit. After getting it all hooked up there is no sound from the speakers and there seems to be very low sounds coming from the head unit itself that can be adjusted with the volume control. Also when the unit turns off the ICC screen flashes off then off again really fast ( premium ICC and sound ). The unit has power and seems fine besides the issues. The install was as follows: -Power taken from phone connection plug under fuse box (yellow wire) -ACC taken from lighter socket (blue wire) -Ground was also taken from lighter socket (black wire) -Front right speaker was taken from drivers side kick panel ( Grey/Black - | Grey/Green +) -All other speakers taken from passenger kick panel (Orange/Black - | Orange/Green +)( Blue/Black - | Blue/Red +)( Pink/Black - | Pink/Green +) -Rear Standard sub is disconnected if that matters Every connection is soldered and heat shrinked. Speakers are aftermarket but were working fine on the ICC before this. The sounds coming from the head unit almost sound like the song that is playing but sound like high pitch squeaking noises but not very loud. I have done many stereos in the past and have never had anything like this before. Any Ideas??? Cheers Jimmy