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  1. Thx bjc. I have seen that post, but forgot about it. I'm not after crazy power and think I'll end up staying with the stock front and rear housing(with modified flapper) and 4 inch dump
  2. Did you happen to have a pic of what you did to the actuator?
  3. Phil, any idea where to purchase the brake line grommets you have pictured? http://brake line grommet by Ben Burke, on Flickr
  4. Romulus, what offset did you go with on the Simmons FR-c's?
  5. You mean the cv's out of the front diff? I use a slide hammer with an extension and a hook to get behind the cup
  6. Hi Romulus, Just a question on the Terry front diffs you have. I'm after some measurements from the diff itself, but only if you've disassembled either of them. I was after measurements in between the side gears, and measurements between the pinion gears. Again only if you've got them apart. Trying to find any info on these diffs is near on impossible.
  7. There is also a FB group started for Aussie Forscan users. Feel free to join https://www.facebook.com/groups/344706629955641/
  8. Here are some Falcon Asbuilt files supplied from PCMTEC hope it helps someone 1969514429_BF 6 Speed Manual ABS.abt FG-Mk1-NA-ZF6_ABS.abt FG-Mk1-XR6T-ZF6_Turbo_ABS.abt
  9. Starting this thread for people to upload the .Asbuilt files from their Falcons and Territories Anyone with Forscan and laptop can do this with a free forscan extended licence The .Asbuilt files aren't available for some earlier series from Ford, hence the need for this thread Specifically BA BF and FG Falcons(and Fpv variants) and SX SY SY2 Territories(F6X as well) When your uploading the files please specify in the file name year, model, series, module(bem, abs etc)turbo, n/a, auto, manual(falcons only), awd or rwd(terry's only) I'll start by uploading the .Asbuilt files for my 2008 Turbo Territory Ghia 2008 TTG SY abs asbuilt.abt 2008 TTG SY bem asbuilt.abt 2008 TTG SY him asbuilt.abt 2008 TTG SY icc asbuilt.abt
  10. Have you changed ALL THREE diff bushes up front. People often only do the two bushes on the passenger side and not the "3rd diff bush" on the drivers side. Many have said that this has been the cause of the vibrations you are describing under load. pic of "3rd diff bush"
  11. you need the two front lower control arms and the hub asembly/knuckle, per side the pic below has what you need the assembly on the right is the older design with the lower control arms underneath the knuckle , on the left is the mk2 with the lower control arms "inside" the knuckle
  12. I see he was last on in november 2015, so fingers crossed I also sent him a PM
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