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  1. Thanks for your farking concern... You can buy the tools needed - vacuum pump, guage set, scales etc. You don't need an arctic licence for any of those.
  2. Not entirely true - check out Hychill Hychill a/c gas No doubt I'll be flamed by the "it's dangerous, your car will explode" haters, but it works, and anyone can buy it.
  3. You get used to this pretty quickly - as long as you aren't regularly swapping between this and a car with a "normal" indicator.
  4. I've got the same Arcan jack - from Costco. They still sell them for around $170 I think, and occasionally have them on special for less. It's a great jack, and good value for money. Do you know anyone with a Costco membership?
  5. Do you have poly bushes on the caster arms? Mine are Superpro (I think) and came with large steel washers that go either side of the bush. On my 09 FG one of these washers was catching on the body mount, causing a clunk whenever the caster arm moved a bit - ie turning, braking etc. A couple of suspension places couldn't find the cause - gave me the sh*ts for over a year before I found what it was.
  6. A new filter kit was advertised on Gumtree this afternoon, in a nearby suburb. It's now in my car, and I'm back on the road.
  7. Hi All, I've managed to break my stock turbo oil feed line (FG G6ET), and need to get a replacement asap. I don't really care if I get a stock one, an Earls filter kit, or a braided line & fittings with no filter - the car has done 160,000km and any sand in the engine is well gone. I'm in Adelaide, and my questions are: Does anyone in Adelaide have a stock oil feed line they would sell? Does anyone know of a local supplier that would have an Earls filter kit in stock? Any help appreciated. If I can't source a used stock line I'll price one tomorrow, and also price up the aeroflow/speedflow bits to make my own braided line. Thanks in advance, Geoff
  8. I've done it - not all in one go but have done upper & lower control arms and caster rods on both sides, using a smallish home press. No issues, just need the right sized press tools.
  9. Hey there, are we still good to go regarding the floor mat, if we are I'll give you my address and pay for the postage - cheers mate....Rick


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rickynlisa


      Gee Dog you're a legend, mate give me your bank details I'll send it straight through

    3. Rickynlisa


      You can send them to my phone GeeDog if you wish its 0450632501

    4. Gee-dog


      The mats were posted early this morning - hopefully will arrive early next week.




  10. I have a beige passenger's front mat with a G Series logo riveted to it. I think it is a genuine Ford one, but can't guarantee it. It has a couple of small black marks on that would probably come out with a steam clean or shampoo. You can have it if you want it - just pay postage. I replaced both front mats when I bought the car - the drivers side wasn't in very good condition but passenger's looks fine (except for the aforementioned marks). Thought I'd thrown them out but they are still in the garage.
  11. Is the outdoor temp sensor referred to above the same one that gives the outside temp reading on the ICC? If the displayed outdoor temp is correct (or very close), can I assume that the sensor is fine, or is their a separate sensor for the displayed temp? My outdoor temp display is correct (or close enough - always within 1 degree of the current temp broadcast on the radio), but my aircon is crap.
  12. Is that a yes to my first question? Any feedback to offer? Of course it may have been a yes to my third question - if so how many posts do I need?
  13. Anyone here had any dealings with PRM Fabrication Engineering at Pooraka? They make car trailers, and advertise on Gumtree. Any feedback would be appreciated. Cheers ps Why can't I start a new topic in the SA section? Do I need more posts?
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