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  1. Iconic, did the issue disappear when you touched the accelerator or was it rough all the time?
  2. Thanks for your response Turbotrana, prior to having these issues I havnt had a thing go wrong with it in over 2 years. So I rang the Ford dealership today to investigate whether the N/A FG XR6 VCT solenoids are the same as the turbos and they have informed me that they are, so I will do a swap and see how it goes. Im guessing if that doesnt fix the issue then there is only the cam phasers left or the chain jumping teeth etc? Im very worried about how much it will cost me for the cam phasers if I do end up needing them. I will keep you all posted
  3. I'm still researching and all the symptoms for the Cam Phaser are there. Don't know whether to forkout the cash to replace the solenoid then look into the phasers. The car can definitly idle properly when it wants to as I said its intermittent. Which makes me think maybe a lazy solenoid? Thanks for your response F18XRT, if it has jumped a tooth can this be something I can fix myself ? Has anyone replaced the cam phasers themselves? How can you tell if it is screwed?
  4. Gday Guys, I have been doing my head in trying to research and problem solve this rough idle issue im having with my 2009 FG XR6 Turbo. Last weekend I had the engine light come on, but the car still seemed to be running fine at the time. The next morning I fired it up and it was idling like crap!! I booked it straight into a local mechanic who charged me a small fortune just to scan the computer.He did find a fault with the VCT solenoid. He also checked the coils,plugs etc and they looked ok according to him. He recommended and oil change and went on to tell me that the solenoids can block up with tiny bits of crap which then retards the timing etc etc. The next day I gave it an oil change and disconnected the battery to reset the computer. Fired it up and it was still idling like crap, but no engine light which I guess is a small win. I took it for a spin and the issue was very intermittent, sometimes at an intersection it didn't seem too bad as long as you didn't sit for too long but I also noticed there was an abnormal sound when coming on boost. Sounded like timing then went away as the revs progressed. I did some more research and decided to take the solenoids out and give them a good clean to make sure they weren't caked up with gunk like the mechanic said. They didnt look too bad to me but once again rough idle when we started it back up. I took it to another mechanic and told them the issues, he hooked up the scan tool and found a few fault codes and reset them but nothing to do with the VCT. They also checked for any boost, vacuum leaks but all checked out. What he did find is that 1 of the solenoids doesn't seem to be operating at idle but when you give it some revs it seems to wake up and perform. And no timing issues when he reved it past 3 grand (im guessing due to it not being under load?). So Is this normal? Should both solenoids be working the same amount and in sync? He said that with out pulling it apart and charging a fortune I should start by changing the solenoids but he wasn't 100% sure it would be the fix. I have been quoted $280 per solenoid from Ford so my question is, Are the N/A FG XR6 solenoids the same?? Or are they different, the Wife has one so I was thinking I could swap them and see if it fixes it before paying a fortune for something I may not need. Also are the BF Typhoon solenoids the same? as my brother has one so I may be able to test his aswell. Any help would be much appreciated Cheers guys, keep up the good work Travis
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