I'm in total agreeance about the final mix, I was just saying Rick has nothing to do with it. He's definately the best producer in the world and caused a musical epiphany back in the 90s. I haven't heard the Metallica album so I can't comment, but Californication sounded sh*thouse on CD, you only have to listen to the first track Around the World to tell how bad it was, and By The Way was a shocking mix too. Stadium Arcadium didn't sound too bad, at least the copy I bought when I was in the states about a week before it was released sounded awesome, and that was a prerelease radio station copy. Even on that one there are certain levels that are a bit off. I haven't heard the remastered copy before. You only have to hear the Peppers live to tell how it should sound on a CD. They write and record their songs basically the same way as they play on stage, then they go into a separate room and lay down the final track. I've adapted this into the bands I've been in/are in and it makes for such a better sound. Even through the best sound gear, the sound is only as good as what you're hearing it from. Maybe they're doing it on purpose to sell more concert tickets hah