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Everything posted by R-SPEC

  1. Adam makes 45. We've godda crack fiddy you lame wads.
  2. I missed it. Was it any good? I'll download it tomorrow
  3. Haydn's dealership whoring for parts at Ethridge hahaha
  4. R-SPEC

    Horror Story

    I would kick Mike in the testicles as hard as I could.
  5. I see him all the time he lives in Ringwood.
  6. Probably coz they're all still running the disgustingly awful Dunlops
  7. I was going to ask this question as I start my first of many track days on friday. Thanks Ben
  8. I girls. Don't forget your CB radios and check the batteries too 7 day forecast says it's gonna be fine, plus daylight savings will give us light till at least 8:30. Hey Dillz, it says "The meet point is not 100% confirmed yet..." Where is the meet point?
  9. Looks like you only worked for 4 hours
  10. 5pm Why dont you guys head out to Calder and watch worm blow his clutch?
  11. Next week is the big CRUISE!
  12. meet at 10:30 somewhere, which is now 11:30 with DLS then maybe head into the city and then back out?
  13. You can jump in mine if you want. Depends on if this bunch of women come for a drive
  14. Lets meet up somewhere at like 10 and go for a drive. If you're in, come to the shoutbox mofos and we'll sort it out in there...
  15. I'll go for a drive if you're heading out? The girls are asleep and I'm watching a really bad cam movie I d/l'ed
  16. LOL She has rather large breas*s... EDIT: Are you kidding me? You can't type brea$ts without it being edited? OMG
  17. If it's anything like when I did mine it'll drone like Dillz subs SICK MATE
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