Watched these movies over the past couple of weeks: Gran Torino last night. Actually a pretty good movie, however I didn't like the acting quality from the asians in the movie considering it's up for Golden Globe awards. Comes out in Feb. Milk which is about that Harvey Milk gay bloke that was assassinated. Farkin great movie, download or see it at the movies in Feb. Lakeview Terrace a month or so ago. Not too bad for a thriller. Samuel J Jackson is great as the bad arse. Ghost Town which is a Ricky Gervais movie. It had some funny moments in it but I love the way he acts so I thought it was good. Comes out in mid Feb too. Pride and Glory is a fukin awesome movie. Go and see it when it comes out or download it, now. Zack and Miri Make a Porno is a great movie. Typical Kevin Smith screenplay, good story but also funny as I <3 Bananas. The d utch r udder will get it's fame when this movie comes out in mid Feb. Which ever mod made d utch r udder replace itself with ####### is really annoying.