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Everything posted by R-SPEC

  1. Just throw that T in the recycling bin and buy an R Spec already! I have to tune mine too.... *ahem* godda, like, pump up the tires aaaand aahh...... put tire shine on then drive it round the block and wipe off all the tire shine splats on the side of the car....umm....might sweak the 6" sub aaaand clean my pod filter so you can hear my SSSSSHHHHH CUCUCUCU better........ teehee
  2. Come out next weekend NV I wanna hear your SUTUTUTU run past me
  3. If you run your engine in during summer, obviously it will make it's own individual performance to carry on through it's life based on the temperature of the average air that is forced in. (Or does it?) Based on running at the higher temperature airflow during summer, do you think that this would have an effect on the way the engine would perform in winter? Would it take the 10° or lower temperatures of winter as a natural power booster through air molecules being more dense? If you can understand my rambling I'd be interested to know if this could explain why some people are getting high 220rwkw+ readouts from a stock phoon, when the average is more like 210rwkw, even when run on different dynos.
  4. I know there's a few of us but I'm interested to know just how many are on this forum. If it's not in your profile or signature, post where you're located and your build number too.
  5. I threw a pineapple in the kitty. Feels good don't it Jimbo?
  6. Oil pressure of 250kpa at idle is not normal at all. Should be around 70kpa. Edit: So your new one is doing the right thing in other words...Nothing wrong with it
  7. The BA MKII Turbo's and XR8s had a 6 speed, where as the BA XR6 MKII's had the 5. BF XR6 was the first to have a 6-speed. I've driven both, and I have to say that the 5 speed is one of the smoothest gearboxes I've driven. The 6 speed was clunky and sucked ass. Besides, there's no point having a 6 speed in an NA XR6. It's a waste of a gear and would probably chew more juice at such low revs on the hwy than a 5 speed.
  8. Damnit. I really want to come out and meet everyone and give my R Spec a romp with other Fords but I'm having a few cans at my place with mates. Maybe next week. I'd love to come out for a small night cruise next week if anyone wants to plan ahead with me?
  9. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA! LOVE IT! For those of you that haven't, do yourselves a favor and watch this: www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhaveqRaxwI Mr Wizanskiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
  10. lol this thread is funny. tee hee!
  11. I picked mine up on the 16th Jan and I've done 2058kms and I love the car more than my... Well... I love it a lot! Last night I on my way home from the movies I came off the Ringwood Bypass onto Maroondah Highway sideways in 2nd gear accross 4 lanes! It was the biggest rush ever! THIS CAR IS SENSATIONAL! AND IT'S STOCK! I WANT TO TUNE IT BUT I CAN'T JUST YET!
  12. Forgive my ignorance, but where the hell / who the hell is headsex? Might have to pay him a visit to discuss a 'package' for the Silver Buffphoon. GET IT? BUFFphoon? AAAAAAAAAHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Thank you. I'll be here all night!
  13. I'm about to get the gauges. Why can't you just use the existing wiring to do boost and oil pressure? Is it crap wiring? EDIT: In a phoon this is...
  14. That was one of the funniest Top Gears I've seen. Those guys are fantastic. I f*cking love that show.
  15. I broke a skyline driver's heart tonight. I was pickin up a tank of fuel, an icecream for the finace and an OJ for my lil one at Shell on Maroonday Hwy next to the fire station opposite daisy's and this skyline decided to follow me out. I think the point in which he gave the f*ck up was when he heard my two week old 245mil Dunlops break traction when boost hit in 1st gear. Obviously he'd beaten a stock XR6T and thought he'd try and rip an F6. Big mistake pal.
  16. Please please please leave the rims! Spend your time on some wicked gauges or making the engine noises different from everyone elses, just please don't touch the rims. The BF MKII rims MAKE this car!
  17. My BA has been doing it since I got it, and every time I get it serviced I tell them about it, and all they do is 'tighten' the bolts and it goes away for a day or two then comes back. They seem to be all about the quick fixes at my local dealership!
  18. I work weekends :( Let me know if there's a Melbourne evening cruise soon. I'm dying to come along!
  19. When are we gonna have a melbourne cruise with all these new beasts? Can we please make it like after 7 coz I work weekends :_( tee hee
  20. True. I've just been looking at the G Tech too. I've just realised it's cheaper to order one on Ebay from the States than it is to get one from here. So I might buy that. At least then I can put it in any car. I dunno...
  21. senna you can get an RSM on ebay for between $200 and $300. Retail they're about $350 I think. I've got one in the Euro and it's great. I just leave it on digital speed all the time. The Euro has Honda racing suspension and has almost no body roll, and the G sensor goes nuts when you rip it round corners... G Tech RR (the better one) is around $360 to $400 on ebay. Also, haven't heard anything about being able to hook one up in a Ford?
  22. The RSpec has a specific plate that says RSpec in it. Here's mine:
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