I still haven't got my FPV compendium. I picked up my car on the 16th of January. That's 68 days ago. Now is that not totally f*cked up or is it just me? I even emailed them about it: "Dear James, Thank you for your e-mail to Ford Performance Vehicles (FPV). We can advise that you are entitled to a driving course and compendium, if the vehicle was purchased as new. You should receive the compendium in the mail within 6 to 8 weeks of purchase. If you have not received it by then, please telephone the Ford Customer Relationship Centre on 133 FPV (133 378). Our office hours are from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm (AEDST), Monday to Friday. Kind regards, Kane Hocking Customer Service Representative Ford Performance Vehicles Telephone: 133 FPV (133 378) (Local Call) Fax: +61 3 9929 3175 Email: fpv@fordcrc.com.au For the latest updates, visit www.fpv.com.au" LOSERS! I'm calling tomorrow...