Hey guys, Started today, first I thought I heard it slip, then after that a weird whine could be heard, parked up and left for 4 hours. Came back seemed OK for the first 5 minutes but then it slipped between gears and then a huge slip, after that it was stuck in 2nd with D flashing. Stopped on side of road and turned car off, started back up and D is no longer flashing and it changes gears but the slip is still there so I have to baby it. Any ideas what I'm in for? OBDII says... PO741 - Powertrain (Yellow) Torque convertor clutch circuit performance or stuck off. PO782 - Powertrain (Yellow) 2-3 Shift PO701 - Powertrain (Grey) Transmission control system range/performance Only slips between gears, I havn't pushed it so it hasn't done the flashing D no changing thing again. Car is tuned to around 312rwkw, trans has been out to tighten flexi bolts but has been down quarter since then. Any ideas? Is it torque converter? Need a rebuild? electronic?