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Everything posted by camo86T

  1. camo86T

    Fg Xr6t

    @Jordo C did you want an answer or not
  2. camo86T

    Fg Xr6t

    @Jordo C When you say 'doesn't require a tune' do you mean "the first mod tune for this car" or do you mean "another tune"?
  3. Terry x-over 7 seater let off the chain, stupid power in a fairly mid sized people mover/suv. Started its life as a na family banger with nearly 300000 on clock, it did it's job fine but it was time for a change. I didn't want her to go so told the mrs "go and get yourself a car... sell mine...? I'm having this!" (she ended up buying another territory ghia) oh well Anyway the operation was to begin. I sourced an xr6 turbo whole vehicle from the country, where it was owned by a young bloke for approximately 12 hours who then subsequently put it through a fence, a tree then finally ended up in a paddock. The xr was actually given to him by his father that morning, who over the years had spent a small fortune, only to look at his car crumpled sitting in a paddock. With his wife staring he couldn't or wouldn't say too much, but his eyes told you... So, poor bloke's nightmare turned into my dream (for a change), towed it home on trailer and got started there and then. For the next month, everyday after work I tinkered, with only a few hiccups along the way. It was quite easy except for exhaust, which carries over the diff just under rear third row seats. Tune after tune later, and a play with pats she was away. Good fun, and no one expects it to say 'seeya' as it boosts on and away from the p plater with no idea what happened... Details Pics FTFY
  4. @Luka sintic I just made the assumption you had a sedan for some reason.... 18x9.5+10 will be basically nearly identical distance to the guard as my 19x10.5+22 https://www.willtheyfit.com/index.php?width=265&aspect=35&diameter=18&wheelwidth=9.5&offset=10&width2=285&aspect2=30&wheel_size=19&wheel_width=10-5&offset2=22 Photos below, ended up trimming 15mm off the guard as it scrapes hard when suspension is compressed otherwise
  5. Where's @Puffwagon hiding these days
  6. No chance of fitting that offset without guardwork.
  7. Nah just a) greedy khunt b) tastes great and c) no reason not to lol Flipside it pisses the wife off that it doesn't seem to have any effect....yet
  8. Can't stop grazing....since tea tonight have downed; Half pack of BBQ rice crackers, with cheese and bread & butter pickles 3/4 block old gold rum n raisin 3 glasses of milk with the old gold Half pack sweet chilli and sour cream chips,... with sour cream and sweet chilli sauce dip Half cinnamon donut
  9. I'm not a fan of TC/DSC at all in my FG It's an 08 though, from comments in this thread 09+ models may be less intrusive? Unless I forget, it's off before I'm out of any driveway
  10. Same here, but in my case the WPMO thread.... somehow ended up there from a search, must've now read about 40 pages of BS from 2012 srsly funny chit
  11. @HI PSI any update on this? Edit Oops somehow missed reading this from only 4 weeks ago 🤦‍♂️
  12. Lol @ freaky expounding on life lessons
  13. Here u go https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/GENUINE-FORD-BA-BF-FG-FGX-FALCON-SY-TERRITORY-GEARBOX-MOUNT-SEE-DESCRIPTION-/120927501972&ved=2ahUKEwjW8reRoIzkAhWz4HMBHcYIApYQjjgwAXoECAIQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0NG26yZ1UMwRPqMgTUP9Rz
  14. Paperwork Make sure every single thing that's claimed is covered by paperwork that matches up. Ask me why.... Edit And as k31th said, numbers it's making look a bit wonky in any case...
  15. https://steelblue.com/au/ Zoolander....blue steel to be precise k31th is a funny man...
  16. Profile Autosports in Ormiston or Forced Performance & Tuning in Toowoomba have a far better reputation than RDP does on here
  17. Waitwut When was this? Genuinely interested
  18. Need to hold it in for a couple of seconds Can do it while driving Let us know when and where it's all happening and we'll make sure it's all clear
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