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Everything posted by camo86T

  1. I would've thought you definitely need a tune? Though I'll be babying my ute the 30odd km to CMS with different turbo (3582), cooler (PW stage 1) and the Walbro... according to him it'll be ok as long as I stay off boost...!! I did ask the question about the reg and the reply was "see how we go" Elsewhere on this forum upgrading reg when upsizing the pump seems to be a definite must, but I have every faith in CMS!!
  2. I have an FG ute and will be shortly doing some mods, one being Walbro 460 in tank pump assembly from ebay I assumed bigger was better though no plans to go any higher than say 400rwkw on e85 According to the listing this setup will drop straight in place of the stock pump assembly, anyone able to advise whether or not this is the case? I can't paste the link for some reason
  3. Ratter, could you include standard pricing for these kits in the offer for comparison..? as I think prices may have gone up recently.
  4. Ok I'm still a novice as far as mech knowledge goes, but am a sheetmetal fab by trade so willing to have a crack at this sort of stuff I guess there would be a thread somewhere covering it, cos I'm going off topic in an off-topic thread = no good!
  5. Was thinking of having a go at the flapper mod myself So what's the big no-no
  6. Ratter, in that case I'm guessing it won't be possible to do core only?
  7. Just noticed your sig -"cheap stepped cooler" so obviously not pw
  8. what's wrong with it jules I assume you're talking about a pw stage 1
  9. Got a stage 1 or similar you'll want to get rid of then???
  10. They've been done before, though looking through the threads I agree that when its time for hands to go in pockets is when the fun starts for whoever the poor sod is trying to arrange it...which makes me think, maybe I should've been a bit more cautious when naming the thread, sort of looks like I've put my hand up lol...!! With your suggestion were u thinking of Kev doing an ebay type deal, with a special price once a min number sign up? As far as tuners go, we can already buy direct from process west anyway, and upgrading the cooler = tune required anyway so they aren't really losing out. For many of us its about sourcing decent parts as we can afford them with a gradual buy-up, and obviously the most cost-effective way to do that is to go direct where possible, and do the install and get the tune done when we can As mentioned above I'd be keen on a 2nd hand stage 1 core but they r fairly rare! My 2c
  11. Ratter, any idea of what sort of price they would go for a group of 5+? I was thinking core only btw
  12. Hey guys anyone interested in doing this? or anyone need to offload theirs so they can upgrade to stage 3...???
  13. Like GeGe6 I'm also interested in how this turbo option stacks up costwise?
  14. That may be the case with earlier models. FG's have no actual tub to speak of, if you took the plastic lining out you would be looking at the diff and fuel tank through a few rails. When I first got the ute I wanted to fit some floor-mounted tie down points but there was no tub to weld/bolt to; had to drill through a couple of the (puny) members and use a backing plate to bolt on the stainless lugs I welded up. Carrying around say a gas bottle or heavy bit of round bar the side fitted lugs are good as useless. Handy they are adjustable though.
  15. Tub weighs buggerall, all that's under that plastic lining is some aluminium extrusion What pushes the weight up, beside the solid diff, leaf springs etc is the fact that ute chassis is approx. 300-400mm longer...can't remember exactly but checked against my mate's sedan, he wouldn't believe me till we got the tape measure out
  16. Only have factory cooler though it goes home to sulk once temp hits 30deg. so gtx in and all tuned?
  17. I missed it..!! that's what happens when u get some1 else to bid for u Lmk if it doesn't work out!!
  18. I would seriously be thinking about that option - stock replacement - if it wasn't for the fact that tuner reckons I'm gonna need new springs anyway...first I've heard that from them..! If it has to get cracked anyway and some coin spent on it, sort of trying to put a positive spin on it I guess... spend even more and get some power...?? btw 375rwkw was on a hub dyno in winter so probably well under 300 all summer What are you running?
  19. Damn right... I'm now an official forum believer
  20. Small world is correct...! Yeh I queried kays thru ebay and he replied that only 35000km and highway at that...if it was possible to get a vid of it running that'd be great...
  21. Guys this is a pretty general sort of enquiry from a novice I know... and if I went past the 3rd page of threads in 'turbo workshop' I'd probably eventually find 20+ similar threads but I'm meant to be working so bear with me please.. I have an '08 FG xr6T ute, manual, had it since new, has not had an easy life from its driver; but only done 65000km due to A. being close to work and not using it on longer distance trips and B. multiple loss of licence due to a magnetic attraction to all plods in greater Sydney metro... It was tuned about 3yrs back, stage 1 kit new injectors cold air intake 4" dump into twin 2.5" with capa flash and that's about it - intercooler was left std cos I'm tight. Made 375rwkw and 920nm (exaggerated due to their lying beast of a hub dyno) Was quite happy with it, then a bit over a week ago, started hearing it spooling down fairly loud after turning off; thought it sounded like bearings on the way out... Fri arvo started up to go home, started making squealing/shrieking noise; crapped myself and switched off, rang tuner who told me to take it easy and bring it in as soon as I could, turned back on and no noise, babied it home, every now and then squealing would come back for a bit; didn't drive it over the weekend, then drove it in Monday arvo, once again babying it - basically nothing over 2000rpm. Left it and rang back yesterday, apparently turbo is 'had it'; I asked if not repairable, they haven't pulled apart yet but front off and a feel inside - I take it a fair bit of play in there. They are going to pull apart and let me know the verdict... Am I a lead-footed butcher? Or is that really too much power for FG turbo? Kays are low, trying to work out what next... Found an FG F6 turbo on ebay http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=161303274334 Any comments...?
  22. Ok... lets see if I can get my little dunce cap around this. What difference is there between a cold morning... and making the intake air a bit cooler/denser with ebay jobbie cooler? Obviously I don't get the car re-tuned in winter, and ECU handles the colder air, and power increases to whatever it makes then without a hassle. Is the extra flow the difference...? Or am I missing something else? Please help, tech people!!
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