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Everything posted by camo86T

  1. Bit of a thread hijack But gotta thank this thread for getting me off my arse at lunchtime today Was reading it and got me going, pushed out a solid 20min back workout in the little gym me and my brother and mates have set up on the mezzanine of our workshop next door over the years Now married with a kid and been 12-18 months since I've set foot in there Feel better for it already - deadlifts FTW!!! Thanks for the motivation!
  2. Interested in any comments on these... http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Ford-Falcon-xr6-xr8-FG-BA-BF-ute-low-king-springs-FOR-303SL-/251881512218?nma=true&si=3OLgPYDoy0CWvxBjLQ%252Fzodz%252B1Es%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 The auction ended with no bids but the guy is still keen to sell $700-800 for a new set so to me it seems a reasonable deal
  3. Your closest caltex with eflex is heathcote http://www.caltex.com.au/HelpCentre/SiteLocator/Pages/FindAServiceStation.aspx Closest united for e85 would be Minto http://www.unitedpetroleum.com.au/united/find-a-store?search=nsw Sucks a bit for u gong blokes
  4. Started washing it yesterday First time since November so it was something of an occasion for the two of us Then it started to rain
  5. Given the price, I was tempted to grab one when I bought my billet comp wheel but decided against it... also keen to know what they are like Hard to see their casting matching Garrett quality though
  6. It's a bit more than a pre-wash, it is the wash Apart from hitting it with a chamois, that's all you do apparently...?
  7. www.nerta.com.au Anybody ever used this stuff, or even heard of it? At fist glance seems like another to good to be true product...basically just cover your car in foam, wait a few minutes, then wash it off. Wouldn't have thought it worth looking into, but some mates of my brothers use it - they are from out west NSW, have a few trucks and some decent cars (couple of xr6Ts, GS etc)and they swear by it, with the dust out there they are pretty full-on keeping their vehicles looking good... Made me wonder.
  8. Have to check the invoice, but from memory they were $800-850 fitted
  9. CMS supplied me with plazmaman Apparently original retainers are fine
  10. The Feds couldn't do much if he hadn't imported them yet - as said they couldn't stop him leaving. Their job is to catch crims not lock up people's sons who might be up to no good.
  11. Yep because he spoke rudely to the nice Indonesians, he should've licked their arses instead... And then the tards over there yell and scream we can have our aid money back and throw 0.000005 cent coins onto a bed sheet with his face on it That actually did piss me off Tards
  12. Whether any crime is punishable by death is a whole new can of worms on its own But whether the Indos are hypocrites or not, it's not like these guys were unaware of the consequences Their country I guess As you say, only way to stop it is to stop the demand But don't see that happening
  13. ^^^ +1 Many many comments could be made on the different aspects of it But what intrigues me is how it's consistently claimed "execution is NOT a deterrent blah blah blah" Not saying "it is a deterrent because they can't do it anymore etc" like all the mouth breathers like to explain And not saying that I support execution either because I don't But let's say it's NOT a deterrent... what is then? Shooting close family members instead?
  14. in before the gtx3576 lovers But to be fair it would do the job - great spool, easy 400+ on e85, on 98, 373 should be possible depending on the usual factors...boost, support mods (cooler etc) and of course how far you and the tuner are comfortable with pushig it On the street at least I'd say a well tuned gtx3576 pushing around 360 would whip a 373rwkw 3582... cos quick spool Don't get too caught up in the numbers game Interesting thread for you http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/topic/86294-gtx3576r/ Will definitely need to upgrade the clutch Tail shafts can be a lottery, can depend on how you drive A mate turned his into a mintie wrapper at stock power, mine's going fine at 357rwkw touch wood...my next upgrade
  15. To get it straight, I wasn't suggesting it was Exactly... So depending on whether or not the tuner knows his sh*t, you maybe better off sticking with him for a little longer at least Googs as you've been on the forum for a bit I assume it's a tuner who has a decent reputation? No dynowogs lol
  16. I wouldn't be paying anything to have it fixed, whether it was done by the original tuner or someone else he used. But if you demand a refund, full or otherwise then you have to find another tuner, who didn't tune the car and is now fixing up someone else's problem, and you'll be paying them decent money anyway And while there are many honest and upright tuners, you'd be naïve to think there aren't plenty of operators out there who could turn what may be a small problem into a pretty big drama that requires plenty of coin thrown at it Hence the value of the forum and finding the right tuner... CMS4LYF!! My 2c
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