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Everything posted by camo86T

  1. @k31th pls merge consecutive posts above cheers admin
  2. As mentioned above they look like koni reds I have the same combo (kings/konis), I got the SSLs for a steal but they were sagging as yours appear to be and ended up getting them reset, didn't cost more than $200 iirc What is your hub to guard measurement?
  3. Cheers keef A lot harder than expected TBH. Faces are split while ends tops and bases are sawn so should be simple to slap them in right... nah Cuts are all very 'straight', but by no means square, level or parallel... if a rough finished block then 5-10mm here or there in the joints is nothing, with these it's a fair smack in the eye so plenty of packing, shuffling, tweaking and a lot of grunt work involved since they're up to 210kg each Lucky I don't mind hard yakka but 45deg days were no bloody joke
  4. A job I started last week and haven't finished yet... Replacing pissy treated pine garden edge with 300x300 sandstone logs, 700~900mm long. Previous original 'wall' followed the slope of the yard and dropped approx 800mm, I wanted to level it all up. Back to work today so have to do some srs after hours slog; have got a lot more done since the last photo but still a good few hours left. luckily the mate I borrowed the excavator & grab off doesn't go back to work until Wednesday... Will post more photos once finished
  5. Ok now we're talking... not a barra but good effort in any case https://www.whichcar.com.au/news/2020-ford-ranger-raptor-receives-mustang-v8-engine
  6. Not worried about potentially sucking up a bit of water with the intake duct inlet in the front bar there?
  7. I've got a brother in law in thirlmere, they're fine for now but some family friends in tahmoor are getting edgy...
  8. Yep fires at insane levels right now. You local in Picton?
  9. Huh learn something every day...didn't realise that Though I doubt you'd bother when the walbro flows over double the 044, handles e85 continuously, is far quieter and a bit cheaper to boot...
  10. ^This is the bit I don't get... walbro 416/460 etc is intank/submersible, 044 is external. Single 416 in the tank as a lift pump, and dual 044 surge tank pumps is more likely, though on e85 this is 'only' a 560rwkw setup. Any case, 044s are old hat now and not rated for continuous e85 use. Pierburgs seem to be the go to these days for external e85 pumps.
  11. @Blaze657 "A good option" is a bit tricky because cosmetic parts will always be a matter of opinion. Mine being that an N/A XR6 should keep its humble low wing, or maybe even get rid of it for a 'clean' look if that's your thing. But it's your car... Hitting scumtree for a GT wing is probably the obvious option, a couple around but will depend on where you're local https://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/gorokan/auto-body-parts/white-xr6-boot-lid-with-a-gt-spoiler/1234184527 https://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/campbelltown/auto-body-parts/fpv-gt-wing-ba-bf-/1192602851 Or this place will make you a fibreglass copy to order for $330 https://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/redbank-plains/auto-body-parts/ford-falcon-gt-ba-bf-sedan-rear-boot-spoiler-new-made-to-order/1114964639 See I'm not just a clown
  12. @OZYWALKER can confirm but pretty sure FG diff disc to disc is 40-50mm longer which would agree with what you're suggesting
  13. What system is this? I wouldn't assume triple pumps as being too much pump by a long shot, wouldn't expect to see a mix of brands though https://www.raceworks.com.au/calculators/injector-hp-calculator/ Agree with k31th on injectors, 2000s woudl be more on the money Who will be tuning it? Ask them their injector preference as it can make a big difference
  14. WTF bcb..!?? that's bath water mate
  15. Nope, guess again Very true... on the other hand, I now know exactly what's in it and I've got all the box I'll ever need lol
  16. Right on the money End result should be substantial, a lot of pain on the way though...
  17. Allegedly ~500rwkw but it didn't feel like that much tbh AFAIK stock converters are well up for that but this one looks like it was molested...those in the know have identified the power curve on the only dyno print out I have as looking like a hi stall hit - which reflected in how it drove - so bets would be on it being modified if I bothered to bust it open, will do that one of these days So it was prob just a matter of time
  18. We have a few US members on here, from memory one of them was importing 4 or 5 Barra motors. @SelectivePC @Mustangman570 or @BarraRx7
  19. Can see one of these as an awesome sleeper..!! Timber veneer and tyre smoke lol I take it you're based in the US?
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