Didn't think so either, just his description of himself as a fat arse and your genuine warning put together came out pretty funny Googled 'fat guy stuck under car' and others but no pics :(
Mmm golf From my distant memories I thought it was all about how far you could launch the cart off the edge of the sand trap But from this thread it seems that may be incorrect and there are rules and careful selection of equipment required...who'd have thought??
Yeah sorry champ, just being a hopeful smart arse... As Tocchi probably explained, SL stands for Super Low (which actually isn't that low), usually Kings brand, I've been on the lookout for a set for a while
If you have SL leaves on the rear, then you'll need to piss em off and I am very happy to part with $200 to relieve you of them. Otherwise... http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/REAR-LEAF-SPRING-SADDLE-BUSH-KIT-NOLATHANE-SUIT-FORD-FALCON-EF-EL-AU-BA-BF-FG-/301596190967?hash=item463888a8f7 Yeah replaceable mate
Hmmm http://www.zeroto60times.com/vehicle-make/subaru-0-60-mph-times/ They're about a second apart over the quarter...maybe he got excited and ballsed up a few shifts
I'm thinking he's not real cluey in the maths department...made me lol "Save rather than buying other intakes for $500+ & then the battery kit for around $300 more...." And then it's"AIR BOX $200 EXTRA. PLAZMAMAN BOX" An he's selling the kit for $600 So somehow $600 + $200 for the box is better than $500 + $300 Me no comprendo Dipstick
#opencanofworms Twin plate organic if it's a daily driver Twin plate ceramic if it's a weekend toy that gets flogged or you want to kick it sideways in 4th If you never ever ever want to make more than 400rwkw and you're gentle you may get away with a decent single plate such as NPC etc Depends on your driving Plenty of good threads in the driveline section to read
Spotted today...
'CRONIK' mid blue FG mk1 xr6T sedan heading west on eastern distributor around 12.45pm... lowered and on 20s... 'ENEMYS' white FG F6 with black wrapped roof and black Simmons at St Helens Park about half hour ago