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Everything posted by camo86T

  1. ^^^ Also did this, the back lower side nut (or one of them at least) was a little tricky from memory but not too hard
  2. Hope you tell them derived torque and not just what's printed out standard on your dyno sheet pixy
  3. camo86T

    Flap Mod?

    ^^ Nice pics Couple of threads on this topic in the turbo section http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/topic/43162-removal-of-turbo-in-preperation-of-porting-and-valve-mod/ http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/topic/43547-removal-of-turbo-in-preperation-of-porting-and-valve-mod-part-ii/ And post #758 in this thread http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/topic/84077-jets-tuning-oh-no/page-19#entry1397921 Plenty info there
  4. Sauce underneath just for show lol normally dumped on top without ceremony Too much masterchef
  5. My opinion FWIW If you're getting it tuned and going to run a decent amount of power you'll have to build the BTR eventually T56 will hold the power without dramas but you'll have to spend on a clutch - standard one wouldn't last too long Plus obviously swap out the box, there's a few on here that have done it with good info in their threads, maybe check that out first No idea what would work out cheaper, depends on how you value your time I guess
  6. As fancy as it gets at work for smoko Poached eggs done in the microwave inside a couple of coffee mugs Only takes about 90sec with a few pauses, no mess - unless you leave them in a tiny bit too long and they explode Yolks not runny but still googly just how I like it
  7. camo86T

    Cms Fg Xr6T

    ^^^ Single spinner though?
  8. Pistons, rods etc etc all same same?
  9. He means an FG mk2 F6 ute. Comes like that from factory Edit: cool thread
  10. Fair enough, didn't notice the BF F6 cooler comment before Something decent up front and you'll be sorted Notice you've just got a plaz, which one?
  11. ^^^ lol read post 372 a bit further up... Edit: Ralph beat me to it
  12. Sorry rollex just realised you were referring to your link not mine
  13. Haynes actually In that case wouldn't mind scanning a few pages to see what you guys think - what I have flicked thru so far seems pretty detailed
  14. Not sure what you mean, it covers all 6 cyl N/A & turbo Falcons 2002-2014 BA-FG as well as territory 2004-2011 Well worth the coin IMO
  15. I know there were issues getting FG info since it came out, not sure if people are aware the Haynes manual is now available http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/HAYNES-SEVICE-REPAIR-WORKSHOP-MANUAL-FORD-FALCON-BA-BF-FG-SX-SY-TERRITORY-36734-/131548398204?hash=item1ea0e5427c
  16. Gonna come out and say it... Figure seems low for these mods - sure it's a gtx?
  17. Only about 7min away, buying my old man's place Yesterday was unreal - had 19 different parties through the house, 5 offers straight up, and contract signed last night...only been on the market since Mon pm Absolutely over the moon with the result, was having a bit of a sh*t arvo doing an install job for my brother-in-law at birkenhead point but the agent calling me with the figure around 4pm made my day... Final figure was about $80K over what I hoped for, the agent is a freak...only charges a flat (cheap) fee, no advertising $$$ BS, works for the vendor (like an agent should) and gets max dollars out of the buyer. As I pointed out, the house had only been on the market since Mon pm. The market in this area has slowed in the last 1-2 months, have a mate who lives around the corner also selling, a bit nicer house, asking slightly higher figures, has been up for sale for about 6 weeks now with one of the common large agent groups who promised much and have delivered zero, no proper bites/negotiations yet and he is locked into a 90 day deal (bad move). But I can't speak highly enough of my agent, he has an awesome client database, makes good contact with prospects BEFORE an open house and negotiates HARD when they view. He makes his low flat fee worthwhile by selling quickly and getting extremely happy vendors such as myself who can't help but recommend him (I got his details from friends of friends who recently sold for awesome figures). I would genuinely recommend anybody who is thinking of selling anywhere in west or southwest Sydney to give him a call. PM for details, not sure how this blatant plug will go down with mods as it is...
  18. WMMFGT The house is on the market, first open house this morning Ten minutes before start time, 5+ cars parked outside Yeah I know it's about the people with the numbers not the numbers of people but feels good anyways Not so good: some of the car occupants who are about to walk thru what has been cleaned to within an inch of it's life.... seems a waste... The phrase "the great unwashed" springs to mind Bring on the disproving "judging on first impression" arguments, I couldn't give a sh*t
  19. Ok my OCD can't take it anymore It's Steel Blue not bloody blue steel And these are the best no arguments
  20. $65 on fleabay http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/HAYNES-SEVICE-REPAIR-WORKSHOP-MANUAL-FORD-FALCON-BA-BF-FG-SX-SY-TERRITORY-36734-/131548398204?hash=item1ea0e5427c It covers both N/A and turbo, inlet manifold-to-head bolt torque is specified as 20Nm with thread lock for both N/A and turbo models across BA-FG Exhaust manifold spec vastly different over different models though
  21. Bought it over 2 weeks ago but auspost decided was wise to wait until today to deliver The knowledge is miiiiiiine Hey Pete...ask me a question
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