^^ Spot on Only thing is... we are talking the middle east here. Been something like 23 wars since 2000. While ever there is a Jewish state inexistence, there will be no peace, just times where there is a lesser body count. The whole region is stuck where medieval Europe was at 6-700 years ago - war is part of daily life. Which is probably why the bombings in Beirut last week have not had much of a mention (silence which is now generating its own outrage from the clickbaiters and feelgooders) The loss of human life there is just as devastating as that in Paris, it's just not as surprising Yes I know downtown Beirut is a far cry from battlefields in Syria or Iraq, but to your average citizen it's all the same. But I fully agree a state of war is the only solution to ISIL/Daesh There will be many casualties, there will be friendly fire incidents, some civilians will be killed in the fog of war and there will be further outrage, there will be issues working with the Assad government and many other problems before finally the scum are defeated (in their present form at least). But the (existing) alternative is worse.