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Everything posted by camo86T

  1. yeah was referring to this, glad to be of help
  2. I'll claim most inexperienced with cars Did my trade as a sheety and have practical background but hadn't even done an oil change myself before a 18 months ago lol
  3. ^^ can't edit on sh*tbox blackberry. * referred 'to'
  4. I don't think anyone on here holds grudges....although neither do they forget 'particular threads'. Expect it to be referred for regularly
  5. WMPO NAB "made a mistake" and original transfer of funds from my house sale was short by $30K Only rectified after I checked figures and kicked up Nice try arseholes
  6. camo86T

    New Members Thread

    ^^ Spot on Only thing is... we are talking the middle east here. Been something like 23 wars since 2000. While ever there is a Jewish state inexistence, there will be no peace, just times where there is a lesser body count. The whole region is stuck where medieval Europe was at 6-700 years ago - war is part of daily life. Which is probably why the bombings in Beirut last week have not had much of a mention (silence which is now generating its own outrage from the clickbaiters and feelgooders) The loss of human life there is just as devastating as that in Paris, it's just not as surprising Yes I know downtown Beirut is a far cry from battlefields in Syria or Iraq, but to your average citizen it's all the same. But I fully agree a state of war is the only solution to ISIL/Daesh There will be many casualties, there will be friendly fire incidents, some civilians will be killed in the fog of war and there will be further outrage, there will be issues working with the Assad government and many other problems before finally the scum are defeated (in their present form at least). But the (existing) alternative is worse.
  7. camo86T

    New Members Thread

    Biz would disagree lol Wouldn't say there's absolutely no skill at all involved screaming your tits off way up there in the range, plenty of effort required, but doesn't do it for me Instrumental skill is another thing altogether, some of those metal guys are freaks on guitar/bass/drums Could listen to Joe Satriani, Steve Vai etc for hours though, cos they keep their mouths shut (usually) and just rip their 6 (or 7) string magic Off topic much? Nice one kokentoe lol
  8. WMMFGT The drive home from work... Been pissing down, roads soaked e85 in tank achilles atr1's on the back TC off yeehaa
  9. sh*t My last post should say 'replicate the nizpro flanges' not clamps
  10. Email me the pics if you want cameron@stainlesstankandmix.com.au Joe I take it you want to replicate the nizpro clamps to match the rest of the exhaust If you or jet can get me detailed dimensions (incl mating faces etc) I should be able to help out If you can get me the nizpro flanges can def sort that asap lol
  11. Just looked up 4" v band flanges on ebay and $43/pair ouch
  12. Can't see your pics on work comp jet Do have a box of 3 bolt flanges I got laser cut a while ago but only 3"
  13. That will make the bombadore sound good for sure
  14. I'm 100% serious btw I'm guessing you're running a 4" exhaust Some of the hygienic fittings we have here look very similar to the niz clamps 4" Tri-clover ferrule 4" BSM (British standard milk) liner Get me accurate dimensions for the mainlined sections and I can replicate
  15. Loving the return of this thread PM next time you want some welding done and I'll happily donate my skills, no pigeons allowed in this workshop Hell, give me dimensions and I will fab & machine a replacement for you
  16. http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/topic/83001-recommended-tuner-workshop-queensland/ Hi-torque in Labrador have a pretty good name on here, profile autosports in Ormiston even better
  17. WMMFG Unconditional loan approval & removalists all booked in for next week
  18. Hmmm That's why the neighbour beside your new place threw the dog sh*t in your yard
  19. Not on wentworth st port kembla are u lol
  20. Doesn't mention anything about pumps, but knocking fuel line issues, water absorption-->contamination & octane dropping issues on the head is a huge benefit I'm currently running about 1 tank of e85 to about 4-5 of 98 but be tempted to bump that up if it's on the money, 22km return trip to work and a bit on the weekend takes a while to get thru a tank and always bothered me Also work refunds for e85 now so win->win->win
  21. Anybody else using this? http://www.nulon.com.au/products/Fuel_Treatments/E85_Performance_Fuel_Treatment Did a search of this thread in particular and the whole fuel system section but no hits Bought a bottle today Knowledgeable opinions pls...does what it says? So many positives if so
  22. Rednose rates these highly iirc
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