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Everything posted by camo86T

  1. Best off to read up a few threads in the 400+kw section, plenty in detail there Especially BA threads - their bottom ends are a bit fragile so do your research Eg.
  2. Looking forward to pics! BTW what are you doing with your caltracs?
  3. Well FMD I could hardly have remembered more incorrectly if I tried... sorry guys Now you say it I vaguely recall all the dramas Motor mag (or wheels) had when they tested the first typhoon back then, first AP clutch failed pretty quick on the test mule Now we're talking about it though keith, what's your opinion on 5th in a tr6060...can it take a hammering or not. Specifically thinking of hard 4-5 change if I was to take mine to the drags, sorta hoping I'd be hitting around 128mph with 438rwkw and would require a pretty tall tyre to not need that extra gear depending on rev limit. With std oil pump gears not really wanting to push it too hard up top. Did a conversion between tyre diameter and top speed... Did a bit of searching on here but couldn't find anything specific Sorry for derail matty but may be of interest to you when you become manualmatt tyre diameter to mph.xlsx
  4. Yeh that one the sooner you start a new thread with manual madness the better
  5. my post has disappeared dammit
  6. 3.45s are out of the BA to suit the 5 speed Whatever model (BA Mk2?) came out with the t56 first still had the 3.45's though I read that somewhere on here, keith prob wrote it, he's a bit of a manual eggspurt I believe First Typhoons/F6's were all auto IIRC By the time F6 manual available, ratios had changed to 3.73, hence keith's comment
  7. that sucks biz I asked mtq a couple months ago about the huge price difference on the gtx76, they now have ceramic bearings hence $$++++ Funny that precision used to be regarded with a fair bit of suspicion not so long ago because ceramic bearings... Back then (early Jan?) MTQ Sydney still had some old stock no doubt they'd be keen to move if they still had it If you go down that road it'd be worth a check, guy to ask for is Adam
  8. Loving the way this thread is going! #raceyoot4lyf
  9. Girl Have a 2 year old boy so not sure I want to mess with that lineup
  10. Thanks ralph Hoping to sleep but not expecting to...
  11. Kid no.2 finally arriving early hours of this morning WMMFGT :):) Almost two weeks overdue, wifey bit the bullet and tried the old wives' spoonful of castor oil last night It did the job, not something to tell the doc/nurses though...
  12. http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/topic/7632-oils-aint-oils-merged-thread/ Take your pick.... Some interesting theories in this one http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/topic/88472-fg-cams-beware-of-wear/
  13. You'd have to change them if you don't want it to be a slug down low... 2.73 is standard on autos isn't it? Manuals are 3.73 Time to get rid of that single spinner mate
  14. E85 back in the tank first time for a couple of months Roll on with bloody loud Evo X with dirty big front mount, pulling away hard from him in third gear slightly sideways WMMFG Disclaimer: private road
  15. sh*t that sucks man what's with facing the wrong way..?
  16. Flame me if I'm wrong but I'm thinking 100 cell cat and stock tune won't like each other much
  17. No, dump pipes aren't the same between B & F series...BA-BF turbo location is higher than FG because different exhaust manifold Longitudinal positioning is also different iirc
  18. In the US they use a different index - AKI not RON Google search tells me rule of thumb is 0.95 x octane RON number to give their AKI (anti knock index) equivalent number 93 / 0.95 = approx 98 so same as us Seems that AKI comes from a mix of both RON and MON (motor octane number) system formulas Weird
  19. Turbo side would've made more sense Better flow Better acoustics Point of difference
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