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Everything posted by camo86T

  1. Thanks ralph & k31th, makes sense to me Matty the clutch was slightly slipping with my old tune (357rwkw) @ WOT in 3rd gear, 4th gear it was really struggling, forget about 5th obviously Disappointing that it probably could've performed a lot better, paid around the $3k mark installed back in early 2011 At the time I got it, tune had ~310rwkw and it held that not too bad from memory So it could be set up to work ok then? Cue gumtree ad "Excellent condition twin plate clutch to suit FG turbo $2950neg" lol EDIT btw the clutch was supplied and installed by Tunehouse, bit of a surprise to me as I know they are/were exxy, thought their rep for quality work was ok?
  2. Ok I'm really gonna show my mechanical ignorance now.... Clutch guy attempted to explain to me over the phone but I didn't really take it in tbh What I got from it was that due to the sheer size of the clutch, something was preventing the release bearing arm/fork from engaging all the way so that it couldn't get full pressure. Something in the trans tunnel or what... I have no idea. @Ralph Wiggum @k31th @gaz097 does the above sound like a feasible explanation?? Mantic - to my novice eye looks pretty high/deep, weighed about 25kg NPC
  3. The xtreme twin plate ceramic will hold the power but be rattly as fug, @bjacobs has a thread on his somewhere Mal woods is the goods but also the coin, I know they use at least some NPC parts I wouldn't go Mantic personally, mostly cos I had one already (twin organic) and it left a bitter taste in my mouth. Wasn't holding power so replaced it. When the clutch guy pulled it out, he found that because of the sheer bulk of it, it was restricted and wasn't engaging 100%...! Wear on the plates was actually not bad at all. So now I have a spare clutch sitting in the garage that might hold ~400rwkw but it don't fit properly, boo I replaced it with an NPC twin plate, details in my thread but a hybrid clutch, one plate organic, the other ceramic. Rated around 500rwkw I believe but it's all very smoke and mirrors for a clutch holding decent power, there are ratings and ratings Put it this way, I won't be able to make it slip Not quite as friendly on the street as twin organic but not bad at all, way better than twin ceramic, would recommend it. Still get some rattle with the clutch in but nothing anti-social Direct clutch also highly rated I believe
  4. Chin up mate You wanted to end up something different remember? Something that not every thomas richard and harold had, otherwise you would've sold it and bought something else ages ago You're going to have a sleeper ute that goes hard BTR weak? Dominello don't build sh*t. Cheap turbo? Well then you saved coin, the little turbo will be a weapon on the street and powercruise which I think it what you wanted Guys above are saying single 460 isn't enough for 600rwhp. Ok let's say consensus is it won't be, so what options do you have? How much is another 460? $200-250? Haven't looked at your surge setup cos it's about a million pics back lol but surely it can be made to work. EDIT: noticed another pump is already mentioned above. What else was pointed out that would hold you back from 600rwhp? Yes the coin is obviously getting tight. But how much in the big picture? And as far as fitting fuel lines etc, you've not done any work that wasn't top notch. Yes you've obviously burnt some bridges with people along the way, you're maybe not the communicator you could be. Don't take it too hard, looking backwards won't get you far. With the internet you're always going to get people throwing in their opinions. Sometimes it's positive, sometimes it's not. Sometimes it's technically spot on, other times it's not. But I think most people on this forum are cheering you on mate. Once it's finished it's gunna - see what I did there - be a stomper
  5. Mate just put that at the top of the list and work backwards from there ok What clutch?
  6. ^ did lol Diff centre>puppy...Can't kick puppies, can kick truetrac
  7. This puppy landed on my desk this morning Courtesy of some bloke from adelaide who apparently is a dab hand at tweaking barras as well as helping out with good prices on stuff for from members... Thanks again jet
  8. Great detail with the pictorial updates as usual gunna Just thinking back to when you couldn't post a pic to save your life lol Not sure what help this is if any, my e85 tune makes 438rwkw/587rwhp on a single 460 in tank pump - no surge Joe from CMS did say it's starting to push the envelope Any news from dominello?
  9. M86 on all turbo/xr8 models I believe, driveshafts the same
  10. ^^+1 C'mon peter, pull your finger out, sell all your wheels that aren't on your car right now and get modding for sh*tsake
  11. Correct If you pay for his flights and provide beer, apparently Ralph wiggum provides a fifo diff bush fitting service....?
  12. from this angle at least they look horn, what are they, FGX wheels? Why did you want to change
  13. Define LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG pretty old then, since his thread started in 2010...link?
  14. Last pages of this thread is reason for the lols at '2 weeks' gunna... http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/topic/72431-fg-custom-tray-build It's actually a pretty good thread, just turns to sh*t at the end
  15. Think I asked u this already ozy but were your leaves standard height?
  16. Or I could take to the guards with a 4lb ball pein, give it that hammer tone look too If I had the coin spare for a 4link I would get oil pump gears and a 6466 with 0.82 rear, drool Will admit my jealousy of the 4link though
  17. Too right... a mate of mine always reckons FG utes sorta look like they've been hit up the arse, making the rear arches bulge Never had a decent comeback for that. Maybe time for 315s on some 11.5" rims to fill it out...
  18. Looks sweet mate TBH never really been a huge fan of the MkII grille but damn it hides that monster johnny tig cooler well
  19. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/PRO-2PCS-HUBCENTRIC-Wheel-Spacers-5x114-3-1-2x20-20mm-CB-70-5-Free-Shipping-/231860820555?hash=item35fbfb5a4b:g:aTEAAOSwYGFUxIPQ Only $60 actually Came pretty quick too
  20. Lol oops yeh true I wouldn't go out and say they're the duck's nut by any means, but machined finish was smooth and snug on the hub, studs were marked 10.9, I think they should be ok
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