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Everything posted by camo86T

  1. Just wondering what everyone is paying at their local united for e85 Closest one to me is Minto, paid 119.9c/L for the last few months without change, during summer it was 129.9 from memory. Do other united servos have any movement/cycle on their e85 pricing? Or does min fossil fuel content mean that it sits at whatever the (small) market will sustain and that's about it
  2. Car: 2008 FG XR6T ute Trans: TR6060 with twin plate NPC hybrid clutch (1x organic, 1x ceramic) Power: 382rwkw (98) 438rwkw (e85) Boost: 16psi (98) 20psi (e85) Induction: 5" pod, custom turbo side airbox Intercooler: PW Stepped Turbo: GT3540 with billet comp wheel, ported housing & 12psi actuator Valve Springs: Plaz Exhaust: Xforce 4" dump into twin 2.5" Fule: Caltex 98 / United e85 Fuel setup: Walbro 460 intank with PTFE pump lines, no surge, Bosch 1000cc injectors Tuning: CMS (Xcal2)
  3. sh*t mine must be in a million pieces by now then...gets flogged and also at times rapidly off the throttle to not bash the limiter...to save oil pump gears It's a vicious circle in a manual with half decent power, you're always trying to save something Look on the bright side though marco, pump gears>chain guides...
  4. Love the look of a toxic ute, one of my favourite colours on a B series
  5. Abs are good, chicks dig them Do you hate ABS too, if serious why? Interferes with the purity of your driving experience or something...?
  6. Have previously tried all sorts of wheel cleaners without success, will give brake cleaner a go...on the machined area only obviously
  7. Took a pic of my rims last night for motivation/shaming to wash the ute For comparison, after a bit of effort with a scotchbrite Unsealed machined rim edge + remsas + unwashed = ugliness
  8. You forgot to add the bit about e85 being your friend...slipping matty!
  9. +1 Never been into beer really until I discovered IPA, can't beat it especially with a decent feed of thai or indian Dans keep a few of that brand but not arcade nation
  10. Where do you buy that from lennox? Did a bit of a search and slowbeer.com.au was one of the few that keep it Have started getting into craft IPA's, feral hop hog (Swan valley I believe) is my favourite so far Also drinking little creatures IPA right now, not bad
  11. ^^Best simile I've heard for a while lol All looking good gunna!
  12. Changed back to 98 today :( Normally I get the xcal plugged in, set up up and changing the tune, then start filling, lean in a couple of minutes or so later to finalise setup when it's finished, then keep filling #efficientcontrolfreak Instead, today I sat and waited until it finished loading, and noticed something a bit odd I don't change fuel/tune until range is below 30km, this time was 24 When xcal was finished, range then flashed up as 55km? Ignition off and back on, still 55km Interbreasting Filled up, paid, started it and range only said 374 Most of my driving is short trips plus I give it minimum 3-4 decent pokes on any drive so economy isn't great - e85 I get 300-350km a tank, 98 not hugely better at anywhere between 380-450km Short story, 98 economy is better but not 25-->55km range better Explain if you can gurus
  13. Plenty of other ebay sellers doing falcon spacers, maybe not 20mm though Full car pic happens when it's washed and at new ride height, and not before Comment above my avatar is FACT
  14. Quality isn't bad at all Yep that's what I did
  15. Following this thread with interest
  16. @Bizkets is Drunk? I emailed Adam from MTQ sydney on Wed when I saw your update He's got some old stock of the gtx3576 he'll sell for $1530 incl GST Dunno if that helps? I heard this earlier but was told nah not the case http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/topic/91790-gtx3576-oct2014/#comment-1582232 Edit The supercores from mtq are old stock so not ceramic bearings
  17. Boo Do know what you mean mate But not understand why Mostly killerwasp lovers on here
  18. Congrats man, that is bloody shifting! You got a thread on here?
  19. Yeh this was at a mate's place, I'm normally a peat man myself, coming to the end of a bottle of 16yo Lagavulin which is sad Smoke for days Nice pix, I have a few of those left in the fridge, great drop If that's your style, try Feral Hop Hog Bit of a shabby bogan name but make no mistake, bloody awesome beer My favourite right now. https://www.danmurphys.com.au/product/DM_711688/feral-hop-hog-india-pale-ale
  20. Ozywalker on here put a 4 link in a month or so back http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/topic/90530-my-2010-xr50t-ute/?page=4 Pretty sure he's nothing but good things to say about it
  21. 15yo glenfiddich and eye fillet oh yeah Would post pics but can't find my phone
  22. My suggestion FWIW: Hamster Give him an Admin display header thingummyjig Job done Or maybe Hams+eR given his sub eating technique
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