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Everything posted by camo86T

  1. Wet weather be great for testing reflexes out with the new tune Marco
  2. Mate hate to be a killjoy but I'd start saving for a decent replacement with your new power level...
  3. Lol better read it again mate Wait I know what's going on here Keif has bent the internet so that all helpful posts are credited to himself...crafty bastard
  4. Which helpful post are you referring to..? Mine about derived torque http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/topic/92158-3491-rwkw-2005-bf/#comment-1600198 Or k31th's about attaching pics http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/topic/92158-3491-rwkw-2005-bf/#comment-1600133 Or am I the crazy one
  5. Data tech bloke just made an incorrect connection that's all
  6. Dislike... I may have issues but not that kind.
  7. @Barra747 http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/search/?type=all&q=derived+torque Plenty of those threads will explain your 'lower than expected' torque figure This post in particular...ignore the thread topic http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/topic/89003-turbosmart-actuators-are-rubbish/?page=6#comment-1495878 TLDR; too many dyno sheets show 'roller torque' rather than 'derived torque' Derived torque is a much truer indication of actual engine output
  8. I'm trying to make a decision on pump gears also So far it seems to make sense to spend a bit extra on the complete atomic pump changeover option @ $990, which already has billet end plate and reliefs Also cheaper for tuner to install the whole unit as the old one doesn't need to be stripped down Plus no need to worry about the condition of your existing housing
  9. Been doing some serious thinking of late as to my next move on the ute Sitting in a back room I have new springs F+R, shocks and superpro bushes all round to go in. Also have a trutrac centre to be fitted when diff is re-built, it has a huge amount of backlash right now which pisses me off daily But on to other things, since it's a manual and it gets a bit of a workout with the occasional nudge of the limiter I'm pretty sure it's only a matter of time before the pump gears disintegrate. On that note I have a funny feeling that my timing chain may have jumped a tooth or two lately...still goes hard but to my ears it just sounds a tiny bit rougher than it used to; could also be the tune needs just a slight touch up, it's been well over 12 months. So I'm thinking along the lines of atomic oil pump exchange, and timing chain and guides if required. Anybody got an opinion on 12mm head studs at 20psi / 438rwkw (e85) - not necessary? Would love to take some time off work next month, get the diff re-built, change suspension & bushes, shorten tail shaft centre bearing spacers to suit new height (50~60mm lower most likely), have it pre-booked at CMS and get the other work done straight after...just seems like a total pipe dream at the moment...family business isn't all beer and skittles unfortunately
  10. Never checked before, but google says 42-58mg CaCO3mg/L for my area which is considered soft according to sydney water Intersting, what tablet are you using? Think we're using Fairy brand after trying a whole lot of others and getting feedback from friends with dishdrawers
  11. We've got a double dish drawer in the kitchen and a single in my bar, they're an awesome concept Imho they don't compare to some of the top 'normal' brands eg. askos etc for washing power, as BCB says you have to rinse everything fairly well Whereas some of the others you can pretty much bang a plate in with whatever and it'll come out clean The sooner F&P's patent runs out and other brands can copy the layout idea the better
  12. @gaz097 That won't be happening... The keifster stated they're different and as of yet no one on this fountain of knowledge that is fordxr6turbo.com has disputed that But Atomic advertises their gears as BA-onwards Not that stupid a question is it?
  13. I've started using these guys at work a bit https://www.transdirect.com.au/quotes They get automatic quotes from TNT, Northline, Couriers Please, Allied and a few more. Cheap as hell; we have a TNT account at work but didn't use it very frequently cos we had sh*thouse rates. Get this, a quote from TNT through this website is usually anywhere between 50-100% cheaper than our account rates.... Got an account with Transdirect themselves and it's another 10% off the price, can't go wrong imo Edit Can add insurance for pretty reasonable price also
  14. Not yet mate It's just added to the pile of bits that I need to fit/get fitted Between work being off its head and doing reno's to the house on the weekends don't have the time to play with it or have it off the road for a few days right now
  15. Filled up with e85 last night and tested 4th, rolling, ~85kmh Apply throttle Longitudinal vehicle axis correctly aligns to north-north-westerly aspect Skids with startling acceleration, wheel correction applied as required Test complete Result= Pass No pics sorry
  16. So B series / F series pump gears same/same?
  17. Ha I was looking at these about 15min ago Atomic oil pumps & gears $594 Atomic price list Spool oil pump gears $498 @k31th I thought they'd be the same Atomic markets their gears as BA-on
  18. MBAF is that united e85 or caltex eflex
  19. More interested in e85 Is that about the std rate for e70?
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