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Everything posted by camo86T

  1. Nice job matty!! Can't wait to join the truetrac club
  2. Insert gay cruising meme/gif/jpeg here nice one @-Stever-
  3. Only one? Bet it was grey. Happy bday jet
  4. Excellent for 3rd gear wet weather work commute driftage though
  5. Bonnet looks wanky as well Tried to copy a lotus elise
  6. Haha nice one matty That's the difference, your barge isn't stock, it obviously hauls arse
  7. Spotted a big group of European exotica south of bulli pass today around 12pm Heap of lambos, some ferraris, astons, few bmws, an R8 and various others. Seeing a lineup of lambos nailing it from the lights is special, both aurally and visually. A group of 3 diablos my favourite, always thought of them as the big dopey great dane of a supercar before they got all civilised and reliable. Drove alongside an aventador going the opposite way for whatever reason, guy driving was conscious of how special he was, sounded like he was rowing it up and down between 1st and 2nd lol Hardly blame him, sound of sound of a big v12 bouncing around in higher rpm at close quarters is slightly fizz inducing...must admit I had had a fleeting thought about being that bogan wanker that trys so hard to run the rich guy is his supercar with his bog stock g6et but common sense prevailed
  8. Washed for the second weekend in a row...it can't quite comprehend
  9. Can confirm Their 3 sheets is one of the best readily available pale ales around imho
  10. Read this thread http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/topic/32461-turbo-oil-supply-screen-cleaning/?page=19#comment-1586409 Plenty of people including myself have had this issue, should be mandatory reading for anyone who owns a T
  11. Yeh the std gear knob sucks I'm looking at a Hurst item Not cheap though Will make my own stick to suit...cos I can
  12. Fitted aeroflow shifter Only had time to take it for a quick run around the block, so didn't give it a proper workout but first impressions are good. Shorter throw gives a much better and quicker shift feel, even with stock rubber mounted shifter. All important 2-3 change is easy to smash straight in, keen to see how it goes with the new shifter I'll be making up. Don't know whether the mal wood or rip shifter is the same, but the aeroflow lifts shifting axis while keeping the same stick stub length so gearknob height is increased. Haven't measured it, at a very rough guess it'd be about 20mm higher. Pretty happy overall, well worthwhile mod IMHO...especially since I got ~$80 discount lol
  13. camo86T

    Track Locators

    Can't see that happening, wheels are pretty low on my list of priorities for the ute Have a set of work kiwamis on the wish list though
  14. ^^ This guy knows Jet do u find big singles generally tend to drone more or not so?
  15. camo86T

    Track Locators

    U mean wheel spacers I assume http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/PRO-2PCS-HUBCENTRIC-Wheel-Spacers-5x114-3-1-2x20-20mm-CB-70-5-Free-Shipping-/231860820555?hash=item35fbfb5a4b:g:aTEAAOSwYGFUxIPQ
  16. Xforce Nizpro SMB Listed from cheapest to dearest TOG also makes one, not sure of quality but some say similar to nizpro
  17. Don't mind it either. Peat, smoke, seaweed and iodine according to the gurus I'm no islay expert, but am learning. Ardbeg is another one that I enjoyed lol It's an acquired taste mate, plus you have to savour it, not pour it down ya throat like a bloody fire hose Oh and make sure you're not drinking johnny walker red/100 pipers/black douglas or other sh*t
  18. ^^this x10000 I usually stick to makers if drinking bourbon, this stuff is special though: otherwise can't go past Finished this the other night Cracking this tonight
  19. Shouldn't be a drama at all, plenty bullsh*tters on here Edit Replied to ezy's post
  20. Keef, if only your car could post on here, listing all the evidence and proof and reasons that it'll never get up and running... Reverse psycology, you'd be tearing off the tarp this arvo mate Or would you just argue with it lol
  21. Just the argon without the bottles shouldn't be too bad
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