Don't make the slightly pissy me get up on my hobby horse in defence of some guy's ute on the net...
Point is have seen some fugly attempts at a 6 wheeler ute: cruisers, patrols, commonwhores, WBs...
This one looks alright imo
Less than a week lol
Loving it so far though
My diff was sloppy as sh*t so the rebuild alone was 100% improvement but the way the truetrac gets the power down is awesome
If I can get it level I'll be happy enough.
Have been thinking about modding the dump to lift it a bit higher regardless, haven't measured it but it sags low-ish...common with xforce from what I've read.
If I have to I'll knock up a set of rear shackles to give it say another 10-15mm height.
What's your hub to guard measurement on the front freaky
No way I want to leave the front higher, looks *beep*.
I'll put the ssl's in, if it's a pain in the arse I'll probably swap them for sl's and try to hunt down some sl leaves.
I'm aware that std xr front springs are same / similar height to sl's but after 8 years of boating I want some tighter handling.