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Everything posted by camo86T

  1. That exhaust manifold looks tits, love it @Ralph Wiggum what sort of wall thickness pipe do they usually use - std/sch40? Bit of a prep and single pass with the tig? Haven't seen one up close Ignore that, I just read the scumtree listing
  2. @JETURBO is the tuning partner of KPM
  3. Woah Camden/2560 not same/same #suburbhierarchy
  4. What arronm said If the noise isn't quite to your liking, upgrade to a ceramic twin plate You'll have to concentrate to hear anything else
  5. Someone indulging in recreational substances for my guess
  6. 26.5mm from memory, usually ported to 34~36mm
  7. Good choice Talk to dan / ozywalker about what he thought off the billet coupling
  8. ^^ So true. And so sad/weak/limp/negative adjective. Absolute waste of an F6 keef. You should be ashamed of yourself.
  9. Build as a dedicated drag car flog off all your old parts for bigger/better eg. replace GT42 with 90mm precision etc Break records and sh*t Be hailed as hero on xr6turbo.com Job done.
  10. $ 315 quarterly bill over winter is nothing with gas hot water, cooktop, two gas heaters in a 5/4 house and an ex-Perth wife who freezes when it's below 10deg outside...the 315 was the more surprising figure tbh Cash jobs fund my turbo habit steve...if u require any custom sheet metal fabrication of high price and reasonable quality then I'm your man
  11. I think this the thread you're after mate
  12. Getting an email from AGL to say they're very sorry that the $1050 gas bill we paid last week was $735 overcharged
  13. Dump pipes are different due to changes from B series to F series exhaust manifold. Would think cat back would be same/fairly similar routing, but use search button, pretty sure this has been covered a few times
  14. You're a bit old for that aren't u arronm... Of I ever drive the ute over for for visit to the in laws I'll meet u on the roe for some roll ons
  15. WMMFG Had a couple of jogs with a zx10 on the way home Even with Achilles rears, truetrac gets it to hook up so much better, loving it Private-ish road, no traffic ahead at least, 3 lanes, massive smile on the dial Outcome: he didn't pass me, once in 4th I believe I was moving away slightly, both times Now before all the crotch rocket jockeys jump up and down, I'm not suggesting the rider didn't have the bike to own my arse, but in this case the bike didn't have the rider. Good times
  16. Grays auction with at least 4 barras in it, worth a mention if someone is chasing a donor donk http://www.graysonline.com/sale/5021482/automotive-manufacturing/business-closures-engines-transmissions?email=edm_5021482_14oct16&link=sale&utm_source=edm&utm_medium=email&utm_content=sale&utm_campaign=edm_5021482_14oct16&cid=em|str%3apromotional|pro%3aindustrialedm|ema%3a20161014_edm_5021482|mid%3a785645|lnk%3asale&custid=2237022&riid=543178265&mid=785645&cgu={a1278369-c829-49ab-95b1-cd056a04eb56}&page=4
  17. Our pet human let us sleep until 5.15... Which is WPMO, slept in and missed another 5am bootcamp session that I've already paid for
  18. The ute was packing more punch than usual this arvo... Little bro picked up 4 of these gel ball guns today and I scored one for a laugh. Hit from close range with this particular one probably 25% of a paintball round, freezing the gel balls give them a bit more sting Nothing like a realistic looking plastic assault weapon to make u feel like a 10yr old again lol
  19. That sucks fluff, genuinely feel for you Home birth an option? Obviously with proper gyno etc on hand. Jet would take pics though wouldn't he....
  20. Nothing to be sorry about mate, genuinely impressive rants
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