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Everything posted by camo86T

  1. Not the greatest pics from this angle but you can make out the profile of the leaves. If you look closely at the second pic you can see the rebound leaf on top of the pack and where it stops just after the shackle clamp plate. After fitting the rebound leaf I was out of U-bolt length* so I removed the baby leaf right on the bottom, don't think it makes a heap of difference. *seems BS as there's plenty of thread hanging out but those poly bushes compress to the sh*thouse, if I clamped the top and bottom plates with a big arse G-clamp I may be able to fit the small leaf back on. The mods on the bottom plates are angles I welded on to stop the warping when tightening U-bolts for the millionth time, there isn't a lot of strength on the inner edge when standard and decent torque distorts them as you can see in OP's pics above.
  2. Would've sworn I've taken plenty over the years but can't find any... Will do when I get a chance
  3. Then I wouldn't bother if it's not tramping Interesting RE the bushes, I only swapped from std rubber to poly when I got the kings so was only surmising...
  4. My kings SL leaves look pretty much the same, and I've had a rebound leaf fitted to get rid of axle tramp (which works great) I've got periodic creaking also, worst after it's been sitting around for a while and/or I tighten the axle U-bolts which I do a lot. Looks like you've got poly bushes, which I believe contribute a bit towards the sound. Give it a couple hundred km and see how it is then... unfortunately the arse end of these utes is still 70's spec so there's no magic fix for these leaf setups Is yours auto or manual?
  5. The OP's question was specifically whether it would work with factory cooler piping...
  6. I opened eBay app and put pulsar turbo in the search bar... most of the first page of results Disappointed in u keef tsk tsk Course they don't have a 94mm turbo...old mate bought it d'oh 😂
  7. Pulsar turbos is an eBay seller in Hong Kong k31th
  8. Sounds a bit high... couldn't find the invoice but pretty sure my Gibson 1000hp shaft was <$1500 in 2015, 1350 unis etc also Tried Gibson or GJ drivelines?
  9. A built tailshaft up to $2K now?
  10. Bit of an update, looks like this guy has someone looking out for him... In an induced coma with cracked ribs, broken leg, a lot of lost blood and a possible brain bleed but looks like he'll come out of it ok in time. Pretty amazing considering the stack involved a big arse turning lane island (new, un-painted, no cat's eyes/reflectors etc), likely 130+kmh before the skid marks at least, and airtime ending with smacking the side of a truck coming the other way
  11. Our workshop foreman didn't turn up to work this morning and we couldn't get hold of him. Then my brother in law rang me, he knows our foreman's son's boss, the son was picked up this morning from work and given a police escort to Liverpool Hospital. Turns out our guy hit/was hit by a semi on the way to work... on his Harley. Only info we have from the hospital is "critical condition" and "severe trauma", apprently operating now but doesnt sound good. Take care out there u guys
  12. camo86T


    ^spot on. Your earlier comment had me scratching my head: Pretty obvious Eric/Ayden is one troll doing his/her/its thing but got a few bites I guess....
  13. camo86T


    FG NA XR6 was good for low 7 sec 0-100, would stay with most pre-LS1 hommusdores
  14. I was about to post: "No, I've never had that. Interestingly enough your wheel/tyre size combo is identical to what I previously ran, also without issue." Then I remembered that I do get some fault flash up when I'm getting properly up it ie. 3rd-4th pulls, may be abs but I don't remember... it disappears by itself though. I'll check it next time it happens
  15. True; "has anyone ever seen this kit used" would've been better wording and it's probably really only of (casual) interest to welders/fabricators My brother and I are setting up the shed at the back of the workshop properly, will post some photos (yes, in the relevant sub forum ) He's doing a lot of after hours auto fab work through scumtree and word of mouth... intercooler piping, exhaust mods, along with the usual 4x4 bar work etc He's had a bit of interest from at least 1 customer about doing LS conversion turbo manifolds and doing some research led to this kit coming up. I used to do a fair bit of this other fab work, but previously always tried to steer away from automotive items since there were too many pimple dicks in s13's after $100 intercooler pipework... With decent contacts it appears to be a whole new ball game though, I may just get back into it
  16. try again... Edit @k31th are you talking about any recent photos not showing? Anything I put up comes from my google photos shared folder (or not, which is why the earlier one didn't work)
  17. Anyone ever used this kit? Pretty cool idea https://www.icengineworks.com/
  18. Had a late one at the workshop Fri night. Conditions on the way home were conducive to low hp drifting ie. Raining which was good since I was driving the truck... Young bloke decided he wanted a go in the Navara so below is only a few seconds long but still pretty funny
  19. S'rainin, s'pourin....... NSW's current water management infrastructure in action: Forget about blue bellied black frogs and ancient middens (ie. sh*theaps) ... BUILD SOME MORE DAMS YOU TWATS
  20. Yeh... realised after I posted I can't look at it either lol Preview says enough to get the gist though
  21. Wayne Newby's track advantage revealed: https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/newslocal/fairfield-advance/400-thunder-dragracer-wayne-newby-sentenced-over-drugfuelled-crash/news-story/30f1fe225bf620bef033db204d76af30
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