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Everything posted by camo86T

  1. How is it that cheap arse tyre company/model names just keep getting sh*ttier @Brad3199 Turbo or NA? Lsd or not? Auto or manual? Guessing it's a BA with no traction control. Decent tyres would be a good idea any case, but if you can, get someone else with a bit of experience to take it for a drive in the wet first.
  2. Yep saw something similar on YouTube this morning, will give it a go on Wednesday
  3. Anybody got the FG workshop manual pdf handy? I downloaded it when it got posted on here but can't find now.... Specifically after torque setting for front shock mounting bolts
  4. Temps were in negative single digits on my private road/driveway this morning, did a few 3rd-4th pulls At least one trespasser as usual, more of them in the other videos which I'll try to edit out and post up Edit Dammit link not working https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipN2YSE-GkD10yJ1kvAtifIG9UzzDZFiE3NWQsxmti0d9_eqWp7MOsbP6NAxC0vHsA/photo/AF1QipOEqigw0NCgBsrvATaYdBGyYrRbTuP7Chn4AAEv?key=ekpTcHlQYS1PbWE0a0dmZ1FJaHVIU3JSSW5Panhn
  5. Whirlpool in a saucepan as per taste.com.au instructions...is it quicker the other ways? ie. Can u do more than one at a time to speed it up a bit As u can work out I'm no gordon/Jamie
  6. Will give that a go next time, or more likely sriracha
  7. Brunch today, my first stab at poached eggs @Rab BBQ sauce is sweet baby ray's so no need to be too judgy ok... Bacon and snags are crispy/overdone but that's how I like it
  8. Re-fitted rear springs New fuel filter Gave it a flogging
  9. Got my leaf springs modified with a half rebound leaf as per @powelmac and fitted them this morning Only drama was with the extra leaf my U-bolts were out of length, so following this thread I unbolted the pack and got rid of the small bottom leaf. Took it for a decent hit this arvo, apart from feeling it has enough power to tear a hole in the horizon (after 2 weeks of driving a Hino) the rear end feels great. Not a hint of tramp, and doesn't hook up too bad either, from third gear roll ons that is. @Ford Freak FYI Looks very unexciting but seems to work well, will update how it goes over the next couple of weeks.
  10. Yes @JETURBO uses hp tuners so no xcal required He's probably flat out but it's worth the wait if you can live with it for now, he can diagnose and sort the other issues at the same time
  11. @powelmac last week I got Allsprings to mod my leaf springs similar to yours with the reverse leaf, also had them reverse wrap the front eye (more camber for same height) and reset height back to around 345-350mm (theoretically) Planning to fit them this weekend and see how I go, do you think it's the reverse leaf making it too stiff? Obviously it fixed your tramp dramas so that may be the trade-off but sh*t I hope not Assume you still have std FG turbo? ie. gt3576
  12. Just for reference, arronm's F6 has a lot more than basic bolt ons, and SeduceG6Et67 has spent at least 20k on his car
  13. If your wallet is stretched to the limit then work on upgrading that before your turbo #freefinancialadvice
  14. Come on pix gotta get with the times mate... Online vs get in the car, drive xxxkm, find a park, wait in a line, do the claim, back to the car and drive home...I know what I'd pick 10/10
  15. 10/10 edit function... @Pedro11983 CMS in Prestons and Autotech in Granville have a good rep on here
  16. On that topic, the mcm cresta was in our street at work today Sounds...different
  17. Being NA wouldn't hurt either I'm thinking
  18. Congrats @NA_TURBO cute kid Early grinner? Or caught mid fart...
  19. @OZYWALKER I notice when leaving home of a morning or work of an arvo mine is a bit juddery at the first intersection but feels smooth as after that. You been in anyone else's with similar setup? Bar the 5 link I mean. I find the tricky bit is when you're intentionally out of shape and straightening back up - you get traction very quick and very hard, bad luck if you're still pointed north-east/west... Always thought that manual doesn't help, you're either boosting or you're not, would think anything with a decent amount of lag would be worse when you're making like a snake on private roads.
  20. Still plenty of hwy racing these days?
  21. I'm running 19x9.5+25 on the front without guardwork, no issues SL height, assume there's more room with stock height unless I'm missing something?
  22. What sort of work does your house need? From reading your thread I would've thought your tradie skillz were best applied to the house and saving coin there, rather than downgrading the ute for the sake of a few grand.
  23. ^This What he's actually looking for is advice that it's a stupid idea and don't dooooo iiiiittttt
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