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Everything posted by camo86T

  1. Actually was in and out of there pretty quickly, been back at work for half hour at least Just keeping you from being a 'nigel no-friends'
  2. I'm unhealthy as sh*t but not an issue thus far... Just an update for these
  3. That's personal, k31th Getting a script for meds
  4. Not from choice... Only a small room, everyone else carefully engrossed in their phones but we all felt part of it
  5. Doctor's waiting room conversations... 2 fellas loudly discussing various topics: Hate living in concrete jungle Want to move up the coast Sizes of fish caught from jetties Caught a 45kg tuna from jetty Yeh I saw a guy catch a marlin off the beach Fella 1 missing his leg Asleep at the wheel and head on with b double 10yrs ago Told the cop to shoot him in the head if he started burning Got golden staph recently Leg amputated Passed his driving test last week no dramas Instructor never seen anyone do it so good ay Fella 2 missing a finger From a fight Was getting robbed Defended himself ay Got tooth lodged in his knuckle Got staph in that too Finger amputated Yeh phantom pains all the time ay 25 operations on it Yeh fella 1 had 25 operations on his leg too I feel inadequate lol #campbelltownlyf
  6. Twin 2.5" has similar cross sectional area to 3.5", obviously less friction in the single but I doubt there will be your money's worth of an improvement. If you're making the move from twins to drone city, make it worthwhile and go 4" imho Edit My 2c only, interested in what the eggspurts think
  7. It's just the watermark on @gaz097's avatar pic that makes his car look white
  8. Tuners: CMS / Crescent Motorsport in Prestons, Autotech in Granville There is also Precision Racing in Riverstone - no comment on them here that I know of, but one of the co-owners (Joe) used to come on here regularly (@Peppy_t92) when he was just working on his own car. He also ran his own show Hoontune for a while and seems to have a pretty good rep in the barra scene.
  9. Had an all too rare day off yesterday and did a quick snow trip with some friends... was great, first time in prob 12 years First time on a board, I sucked less than expected surprisingly. For me it seems way more natural than skiing somehow, watching a few youtube vids earlier definitely helped a bit. First time for kids at the snow on the other hand..... farrrrgggg. Our friends have 2 of their own, so 4x 2-5 year olds who kept pulling gloves off, trying to go on the chairlift, running away, complaining about the cold, fighting each other, throwing tantrums when you're lugging a tonne of gear around... All good in the end but a few things I'd do different next time. Drive home was pretty fun. Once we got to Adaminaby, Waze took us via Bobeyan Rd rather than Snowy Mountains Hwy thru Cooma; (@El Andrew you probably know this road?) 80+km to Queanbeyan of which I reckon 40-50km turned out to be dirt road lol https://www.google.com.au/maps/dir/Adaminaby+NSW/Caltex,+Tharwa+Drive,+Conder+ACT/@-35.7427828,148.9084053,82056m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m19!4m18!1m10!1m1!1s0x6b3d143fdeeb04e7:0x40609b4904411b0!2m2!1d148.773889!2d-35.996111!3m4!1m2!1d148.9484402!2d-35.9736109!3s0x6b3d72f390b93525:0xa03407ffde0bec24!1m5!1m1!1s0x6b17cb27cf478e75:0x5da53b6f72d34dc0!2m2!1d149.0916838!2d-35.4582441!3e0 Mate was leading in his father in law's 100 series cruiser and he was into it, in the main the road is good nick and we were hitting pretty decent pace, 130+ in some places. This was just before dusk mind you, before long there were plenty of roos lining up for suicide missions. The Discovery did well, but yeh the wife was getting pretty carsick by the end of it.. Now I wish I had a dash cam... Edit *For a dirt road...
  10. Genuine first, daylight second
  11. No they're the same heat range (22) as standard turbo plugs, only the gap differs (0.7 vs 1.1) Genuine FG turbo plug: https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/6-x-Genuine-Ford-Spark-Plugs-Falcon-FG-Turbo-EcoLPI-Iridium-AGSP22YE11-DENSO-/201130729311 The plugs arronm linked are from FG gas motor which as @JETURBO stated are fine @ ≤500rwkw I also use these Don't overthink it
  12. What jet quoted is the gas motor plug, not the turbo plug arronm do your link thang....
  13. See post 27 further up the page Edit For what to run at that level boost
  14. Sand dune? Hard core headwind? Fat stowaway? Hard core industrial magnet in the vicinity? Jokes aside flawed perception of slope is most likely...eg. maybe it starts gentle but gradually ramps up? Where exactly is the problem hill and one of the "steeper but no drama" hills?
  15. Your inclinometer prob needs calibration
  16. #commonwhorelyf #soopercharged lol https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/motoring/on-the-road/home-mechanic-gets-nabbed-making-dodgy-modifications/news-story/2e658bf31668b32bd5660f7787c8b826
  17. No worries Just take the obvious precautions when cutting and you'll be sweet
  18. @HSVKILR Cutting a rectangular hole in the base of the tub (directly above the tank) makes it a piece of piss, since you obviously don't have to remove the tub, only the liner. You just need a replacement panel that's slightly larger so you can screw it down, easy to make. Takes me less than 10min to get the side rails off, liner out, panel off and fuel pump out. Edit Great minds something something....
  19. Well @k31th you made an indirect recommendation with that link....and you're in the market for a job...? Looks like you're signed as an apprentice 😂 First job is to change old mate's fluid lol
  20. ^^ what these guys said @ShinallWithout doing bodgies you can't just turn up the boost on these cars. Ultimate cheap mod is the holesaw treatment for the bottom of your airbox as k31th said, which doesn't cost anything other than a 3" holesaw from bunnings. You may be well able to fit parts yourself but the car will need to be tuned to suit to have any reasonable gain. Eg. an exhaust will may give you a very slight performance increase plus a decent note, but $/kw you'd be far better off putting that money towards a tune (if you don't want to spend on both). Work out how much - if anything - you're willing to spend and we can make further suggestions. Where are you local?
  21. Had a mind blank, did you get another BA?
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