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  1. pull the hose off from the pipe on the inner guard (as in not on the actuator, where it goes to) and blow in it. if u can just blow through then your actuator is dead. My actuator was stuffed but also the flapper had cracked and slid out ~2mm from the turbo jamming it against the inside of the turbo, preventing it from opening or closing.
  2. so after a lot of screwing around, I changed the ecu on tuesday and it has been fine ever since. Logicar did not find any issues with the ECU, so be wary that simulation testing does not always find the issues. also interestingly, a few auto elecs I have spoken to have told me that these ecu's cant be repaired which is interesting...
  3. thanks for the replys guys. Upon stripping the turbo I discovered the housing was cracked in 4 places as well, so I ended up with a second hand housing
  4. changed eec relay, still no good. checked trans oil, looks clears (no water)) next step will be using a test light to ensure there is a constant power feed to the gearbox. it looked good with a multi meter but if its only a rear quick power loss the multimeter may not have picked it up. apart from that the only thing I could see it being is either the tranny itself which is unlikely as all 5 went at once, or a cambus problem which could be f*cking anything!' 'any other suggestions anyone?
  5. hey mate, just got my ECU back from being tested by logicar and they couldnt find anything wrong. next step for me is replacing my EEC relay. testing with a multimeter it seems fine, however if it faults for even a few milliseconds it could cause a fault. I'll let ya know how I go. P.S your probably better off posting replys rather than editing your original post. I didnt realise you'd posted.
  6. yeah just did an overhaul on my turbo. I took the dump pipe off at both ends insted of taking the exhaust manifold off...
  7. yep, checked charge yesterday, also getting consistant power supply to transmission valve body when it flicks from normal into limp mode. My earth all looks new, theres no corrosion at all. I'm sending my ECU/PCM off hopefully tomorrow to get tested.
  8. I have exactly the same codes coming up at the moment and exactly the same issue. I'm going to try a few things tonight as far as plugs and wires, otherwise it looks like it could be PCU. have a read of this: http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/topic/80007-ba-xr6-turbo-ute-d-flashes-and-I-loss-power/
  9. Hey guys, The sleeve of my flapper had the weld crack and moved a few mm jamming up the flapper valve. Can I just TIG weld this back on or is there some precision envolved?
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