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  1. boegey

    US Elections

    How did that possibly happen
  2. You need to be careful if the coils are going and they get to the point where they are cutting out for a millisecond the zf will automatically go into neutral because it thinks the cars been turned off and then when it refires it slams it back into gear and will break input shafts
  3. Might be dodgy coils I know when they start to go it can reak all kinds of havoc and speedo cutting out is a classic symptom
  4. The only ones I could find had standard bushes and not superpro ones?
  5. Hey guys if I was going to replace all the bushes and everything in the front end is this all I would need? And do you need a press to get all the bushes out? https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/331993657744
  6. Yer that was off the plastidip site
  7. Yer already looked into that auto pro sell it as well so I'll go have a look tomorrow
  8. Might look into this. Thanks rob83r [emoji1303]
  9. How well do you think plastidip would stand up to stones and such if I did like 5 layers?
  10. Standard is more of a dark silver/grey but black might actually look pretty cool
  11. Reckon you'd be able to find a colour in plastidip close enough to not tell?
  12. Went and got a price off a bloke I know through work, $100 and there will be enough paint to do the other fog light and the centre piece when I get the whole bar redone later on. And I'm gonna go with the genuine just so I know it will fit and plastic will last longer
  13. Would it matter with such a small piece? What are the benefits of plastic over fibre glass
  14. Found this guy https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/172371886133 and sent him an email and will do the fog light cover for $85 posted [emoji1303]
  15. sh*t I didn't think it would be that much
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