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About Jordang6

  • Birthday 01/04/1985

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  • Location
    North perth
  1. Happy Birthday Jordang6!

  2. Happy Birthday Jordang6!

  3. Jordang6

    New Toy

    Soooo, big black one it is! Yeh ill be going stage 2 coz stage three will be a while away, im sure 310/ 320 rwkw will keep me plenty occupied for a while, need to spend a bit of loose change on a few little novelty things on it! Prolly have to look into a lsd before to long! I dnt understand why they dnt come stock?
  4. Jordang6

    New Toy

    Nice, must be stoked.....making me more impatient now though haha, cnt wait. Im still undecided wearher or not im going stealth with the black cooler or not!!!!! Still a bot of time to think about it! Good to hear the gear changes are still nice and smooth, they are a gem to drive.
  5. Jordang6

    New Toy

    Nice figures toby, looking promising, what did u run stock? You going tp run a pw cooler, when you get one!
  6. Jordang6

    New Toy

    Yeh wish I could lads, just flew back to work today :(, ive been keeping an eye on that cruise thread so hopefully ill snag something soon, be keen to have a look at your rigs! Ear plugs ay, me like haha!
  7. Jordang6

    New Toy

    Yeh wish I could lads, just flew back to work today :(, ive been keeping an eye on that cruise thread so hopefully ill snag something soon, be keen to have a look at your rigs! Ear plugs ay, me like haha!
  8. Jordang6

    New Toy

    Yeh I dnt want it sounding poo! Ill hit up the boys during the tune, hopefully only a few months away, ill keep everyone updated, cheers!
  9. Jordang6

    New Toy

    Ahhh nice ok, yeh I've seen them pop up a fair bit on here now you mention it, is there a link to them on the forum? Otherwise I'll search em shortly
  10. Jordang6

    New Toy

    Haha cheers for the heads up angel, nice work Toby, I wanna bit of noise there hehe! Wasn't sure how the auto would sound over the manuals. Locking in some overtime this swing I think.....
  11. Jordang6

    New Toy

    I already own them bastards enough haha, will I get good bov sound and turbo sound after stage two?
  12. Jordang6

    New Toy

    Wow that would be killa, wish I had the funds to do that, gonna take me few months to hit up a stage 2, if all goes well
  13. Jordang6

    New Toy

    Yeh I will hold, as much as I dnt want to haha, few g's, got a pic bellow!
  14. Jordang6

    New Toy

    G'day turbo, yeh I've had a quick browse thro the cruise thread sounds mint, hope to get out sooner rather than later! I knew stage 2 would be the way to go but my mod itch is biting already haha, haven't had it longer than a month, reading these threads dnt help haha. Gonna need new rears before she goes on the dyno, running kumho ku31 275/30 r19 96y at the moment, these any good to stick with or should I go another direction? Can get em online for $306 each.
  15. Jordang6

    New Toy

    Spoke to Darren at MT, good bloke very helpful and easy to chat to, he recons hold off on stage 1 if I can and wait till I get coin to hit up the stage 2! The better option at the end of the day, but I'm impatient and getting itchy................
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