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Everything posted by G6ET8U

  1. Just to add to my post above... Club Cobra can be found here... it's a forum like this one... but I had a look and they had an organised cruise in Melbourne so maybe join there and ask a few q's... If you get one... you have to take me for a ride... please please... I'll take photo's Jack
  2. Flukey maybe get in contact with a Cobra club here in Melbourne... and they can point you in the correct direction... might even be able to put you on to a person or two who are selling their cars... Good luck getting one... they are one of my dream cars!! I might have to take photo's of it for you and post them here... I remember about 7 years ago heading out to the Great Ocean Road my mate and I had just made it to the outskirts of Geelong and were passed by a Cobra cruise... they were 3 wide and about 20 deep at the 1st set of lights leading in to Geelong from the freeway... you can only imagine the sight of these cars for one, but the sound of the open side exit pipes as they all give it a bit away from the green light... AMAZING... Jack
  3. Cheers flukey... yeah mate SO disappointed I didn't have any photo's to show you, my car was out in the car park, shaking like a scared child that it was at the drags after what I did to it at Heathcote not sure why but I thought you live out Doncaster way... so if you're near there have a look at the tree, he hit it hard... about 2 feet wide/3 foot high is the damage to the tree... I imagine the bark from the tree is on the tray of the towies truck... and yeah it's right out the front of the ambo offices... maybe that's why he told me to F off, they were just gonna walk to the ambo's for help Jack
  4. Yeah, I thought that at first too, but kind of feel sorry for him... I know how hard I have worked to get my car (and he's probably the same), though there is no way I'd ever attempt anything near what he was... not even on a race track with 100 mile run offs in every direction... and to see it destroyed in an instant I would probably react the same way (though with tears in my eyes), shock does strange things to us... Jack
  5. As those in Melbourne are well aware the weather today was horrible, extremely heavy rain and thunderstorms... Well anyway, I'm out with my mate getting some lunch and we were heading the other way on Manningham Rd and see an immaculate (wheels/exhaust/big front mount) white R34 GTS-T turn left from High St to Manningham Rd near the Macca's/Red Rooster (for those that know where I'm talking about) and goes in to a what seemed to be well controlled drift, he went both ways right to left about 8 or 9 times, we had passed him by this stage and I keep my eyes on the extremely wet road) and I say to my passenger 'that looked pretty good eh...', and he says 'OH NO NO... LOOK LOOK'... I look over my shoulder and he's managed to at pretty high speed (I imagine at least at the top of 2nd maybe in to 3rd) lose control starts to come around sliding full 360 derees and goes up the embankment sideways and backwards and straight in to a tree... hit the passenger side rear quarter very badly, made a decent old mark on the tree as well... MASSIVE damage to rear wheel/quarter/suspension, rear bumper and both tail lights hanging off ... needless to say we made a U turn and went back to see if they were alright, weren't interested in speaking to us, offering help perhaps Ambo or Police and the driver (I think he had 2 passengers with him too) gets in his car and drives it away from the tree, back wheel punched in and down the closest street... we then offered help again and were to told to F*** OFF... so we did... and that's it... we headed back to my mates place with our lunch just shaking our heads... and of course the traction control on... After going to Calder last night to see the legal off street drags I suppose it really drives home to me and maybe you guys too that the place for sh*t like that isn't on public roads in extremely bad weather on very slippery roads... I hate to think what he's gonna do with it (I would estimate the car to be worth 30k plus)... I only imagine that insurance companies don't look upon these kind of 'accidents' favourably... None of those involved seemed to us to be injured, LUCKY AS FU*K if you ask me... it could have been SO much worse. What do you guys think? Ever seen anything similar on the street? Jack
  6. Good luck with it!! Keep us posted on how he goes! Jack
  7. Cheers boys! Had a really good night out Good to put faces to names... sorry to hear about your car Craig, what a pain in the ass... Thanks again!! Jack
  8. Yeah... that is crazy. What do you reckon? About 20 feet above their heads? My old man would love that, he's an aeroplane freak! When he gets back from overseas on Sunday I'll show him... he'll wanna go there... Jack :biglaugh:
  9. They are crazy shots... Love it!! Jack :biglaugh:
  10. Is it just me or does it seem that Holden/HSV always make their cars available for these mags? Maybe after the clutch problem with the Typhoon ages ago Ford are a little gun shy about giving their cars to them as they just thrash the sh*t out of them, don't get me wrong I love reading about other people thrashing their cars but I'd hate to think what state they come back in... The problem is, it gives the Expensive Daewoo army ammo against Ford because it outwardly seems that they are unwilling to provide their cars for a comparo... shame really... Jack :biglaugh:
  11. That's a great result for you mate! It must be a weapon on the road! And those fuel consumption figures are excellent! When I first went to Nizpro a few months back I was provided an info pack and your letter of thanks to them was part of it, and I must say it played some part in influencing my decision to use them for my edit, pity it's still over a month away... I want it now! Jack
  12. Good Morning!! Well it's official... I'm off work, just called... I'm a free man today!! This is great Cheers Adam, will do, I think I'm meeting up with a couple of the boys at Craigs house so shouldn't be a problem Jack
  13. I've got that... fragile as it is... Helmet is a problem... am I allowed to borrow one? Or do I have to bring one with me? Jack
  14. Nice one... 19's give you a few more options tyre wise than 20's... especially considering cost... Jack
  15. Just to add to this... I've almost been convinced to race my car again... so I will need a helmet... What else do I need? Just basically long pants and long sleeves yeah? Jack
  16. Cheers Lumpy!! I get 8 sicky's a year... and I've been there for 2 years and haven't taken one yet so I may aswell take one tommow... Craig, I was PM'ing Deeks and he mentioned it might be ok for me to meet you guys at your place... is that cool? If not then that's ok too... I am so stoked I'm not working tomorrow... Jack
  17. I have read the above with interest... and have a few questions... 300rwkw's equates to about 120mph... does that only apply to the T? If I was to have a similar power level in a car that weighs about the same as T would I end up with the same mph? Just curious... And just as a side note, I find it interesting that all T's with X power level are able to achieve Y mph... I suppose it makes sense though when you think about it... My only trip to the drags I broke a drive shaft (kind of put me off breaking my car again)... so no mph for me Jack
  18. Looking good mate! What springs did you use? I have SL/SSL Kings... Here's what mine looked like with the springs just fitted and 17" wheels and here is a pic of my car fitted with the same lowered springs but with 20" wheels fitted... I lowered the car the other week here's a few pic's before and after. I wish that the back end was sitting a bit lower might have to reset the springs when I get some bigger wheels. Should I or just leave it as it is ??? If you plan on getting new wheels then I would wait to reset them as the wheels will make a huge difference to the look... though I have 20's and I even reckon it could go a little lower... Jack
  19. PWR are the V8 supercar race team who also do street cars, though mostly V8's I believe, one of the boys from work is getting his VY SS done there... They are located in Dandenong in Melbourne, but they do ship all over the country using that quality transport company TNT that I work for!! Here they are... have a look Jack
  20. Hey boys... I had a crap day at work today and have decided that I'm going to chuck a good old aussie sicky tomorrow So I'm coming and will see you all there!!! Making me feel better already!!!! Hey Rob... what caused your auto to give up the ghost? Hopefully not terminal... see ya there... Jack
  21. Mine was replaced under warranty yesterday... I'm about 2 weeks away from having no factory warranty left so we'll see what happens... Jack
  22. I am convert... VK was my 1st car then on to jap cars, then traded for a VR Senator 215i stroker auto had it for about 8 months and got bored, test drove the T and that was it... problem is now I have Holden/HSV clothing in my wardrobe... collecting dust Now I'm here and mods are on the way!! Love it!! Jack
  23. I had my car in today for leaking radiator and damaged o-ring in the water pump, both fixed today under warranty, which runs out in only a couple of weeks... Very happy with the service I have recieved from Freeway Ford in Cranbourne, Victoria. Jack
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