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  1. Hi Steve. That was just the post I was after. Thanks so much for the details. I've contacted 3 dealers here and not one of them has a new turbo in stock (Are things really that bad?) But I will do as you suggest, collate all the dealers in my area and phone them one by one. Cheers mate. PS. I have turbo envy now...
  2. Wow, that would have been a mess if you pulled the trigger. $40.5k was the best I could do with a zf. (Moora Ford in the WA wheatbelt) I'm going to wait until early next year now to see what they offer up and if they are still around current offers I will get the 2014 with the update.
  3. What the OP really wants is to pick up a nice cheap 3 valve 5.4. I drove the XR8 and found the Boss as people are describing. Zero low down and at about 4500 rpm things would start happening in the examples I drove. The BA's 3 valve is about the best towing motor around, it has bags of torque down low. Mine stock would beat my brothers 2004 Monaro also stock at 0-100. It's no highend speed demon, just the perfect tow car.
  4. It's not only Fords. My late father bought a 2006 Volvo S80 for near $100k and that's nearly worthless on the market now. That's currently my daily driver. As for the Expensive Daewoo news today, looks like no more Aussie cars full stop. Damn politicians, I never voted for him. I feel for the soon to be unemployed 55,000 people though. Very sad.
  5. Yeah I know. Like I said it's about emotions more than common sense. If it was list price (near 50k) then I would never consider it, however the low k examples I've seen are only a couple of grand cheaper than new, if that, some are even more! Moora Ford in the WA wheatbelt are going to get back to me, they want to crunch some numbers so it seems they don't have much wiggle room. Not like the old days that's for sure. It's actually frightening that this market has got so bad.
  6. Not sure why I can't quote. Buying low k second hand would be the obvious choice but I'm now at the point in life where this will be my last new car purchase. I've always bought low K, the only other brand new car I bought was my XC Cobra. So it's more about emotions than common sense. I'd be very wary about a showroom demo, from what I have experienced, it's taking out a cold engine that's not properly run in and then being flogged to within an inch of it's life. Particularly with this class of car.
  7. My love affair with Ford started with my John Goss XB. It will finish with the FG.
  8. Looks like no one is prepared to deal. Al the dealers I've tried said no way to throwing in an auto for their current $39,500 offer. I'm not going to pay 41k+ when I can get an SS V8 For 39k. How about looking at a 2013 model early next year, will the deals be any better? Sorry about all the questions, it's been 10 years since I bought a new car and I have no idea how the salesmen operate these days.
  9. Gee interesting reading. I've signed up here because I'm about to pickup a new xr6t. Back in 03 I needed a new car and I also own a boat so it was a choice of falcon or Late model camira for me. I would never have a 4x4 in my driveway. I was so tempted to buy the xr6t back then as the BA XR8 still hadn't arrived. What put me off was a concern about heat, I live in regional WA and it can hit 50° here. So I ended up with a BA XT V8 and she has been a great and loyal servant over the years and delivered similar performance with great fuel economy (14-16l/100k) Towing the boat from Melbourne to Perth was the highlight. It looks like I will be missing nothing with the change of car, that's a huge relief. Oh and I nearly was caught out with the lower limit of the manual too, glad I found that in time.
  10. Yeah the stereo was the only thing in the pack that I was really looking at, 19" rims and leather I don't really want. So you can see my hesitation on spending that dough for a stereo. OK so I forget about the lux pack. Am I asking too much for a zf for $39.500? Ford quoted me $2000 for the upgrade from manual to auto.
  11. I've got a BA XT 3 valve V8 with 90,000k's on the clock for trade if it would help. I assumed they would offer me nothing for it.
  12. Good afternoon ladies and gents. New member here with a question. I've just been down to Midway Ford in Midland WA enquiring about new xr6t's. Firstly I couldn't believe they had none in stock. My real question is about haggling, I will be paying with cash. There seems to be a runout on 2013 plated models with basic manuals going from $39.500 which seems like a good deal. However to get the car I want I'm looking at $2000 for an auto (which is a must because of towing limits) and another $4500 for the lux pack which all I really want out of that is the premium stereo. So all up this adds another $6500 to the base price which to me $46,000 is far too much to be paying in the current market. Is there any chance of haggling down the price of these extras? * And I thought Volvo were the champs when it comes to overcharging for added extras.
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