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  1. Fantastic, so how the hell am I supposed get the bloody thing off? With a great big dirty wrench?
  2. Does anyone know how to change the standard Ford gear stick knob on a T5 in a BA MK1? I have tried unscrewing it, but no good. Any helpfull info please!
  3. I would not rely on MOTOR magazine times at all, Jesse Taylor and co are dreamers, I found their times to be way off. eg: they claim the Expensive Daewoo VZ SV6 CAN DO 0-100km/h in 6.95s ???? Yeh sure!!! Where as WHEELS claim a more credible 7.7s, Autospeed 7.8s and a few others 8.0s, 8.1s I am inclined to believe WHEELS thankyou very much. Besides MOTOR gave the XT 4 stars and the XR6 n/a 3 stars, yeh right guy's sure no worries and what weeds are you all smoking? Regards BLUEPRINT TORQUE MAN
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