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Everything posted by barnz

  1. Scalp cut and dog sh*t dust storms FTW. The day the dog brings home the dough ill pick up his sh*t.
  2. Fronts would not even go close a 9 would have to be around +25 and a +30 10in rear will poke a bit
  3. Its not all about width although it helps(that's what she said), I just changed wheels and went from 245 nexen N6000's to some 275 rears which are some...advan or some Chinese crap and they spin soooo much easier. Even after a week they aren't coming good so not just the usual new tyre no grip story.I really rate the n6000's
  4. I have been doing 3000 changes with a flush each time(even though not a fan) since I noticed(1 so far). Will pop the cover again down the track see how its going and if my cam lobes are even more fkd. What sort of diesel oil, just something of a similar weight to what I use now?
  5. Yeah im not particularly thrilled about it, something as simple as taking the oil cap off when looking at it would have given some indication of how filthy it was, it is visible on the splash tray beneath the cap. Rookie mistake.
  6. Just the way load effects spool, I would give you a fairly sh*t explanation of it but ive noticed from driving turbo diesels and my car, more load = more spool and it has something to do with more potential energy from what I understand.
  7. Lol word sorry, and yeah usualy smash th3 boost always results in smash my date. Seen all sorts of combinations to get around it. Then you just use "that" haha Anyway, end thread derail.
  8. I bet those 3.9 diff gears have something to do with it
  9. Yeah I used a bit of pine also, and always chocked. The front cross member is quite narrow so I probably just positioned it incorrectly. I don't particularly like being under cars unless they are on a hoist so it doesn't take much to set off my paranoia.. Where do you guys usually position the trolley jack at the rear, only had the back of a falcon on stands once and used that..pressed cross member :s
  10. Erm what makes masda immune to the world filter? Sus Seriously gets away with it for using "that"
  11. K well I cheaped out and got some 1200kg stands for the back they are a pin type. I have 3000kg ones for the front that are a ratchet type. Anything not cool about that? And are blocks of wood really a good idea between the jack and the front cross member, I had one start to roll one day and looked like it was gonna pop and that was enough to put me off, had done it plenty of times prior also, piece of wood not so square probably would have been better. Pretty sure trolley jacks have those tabs for a reason, so they can get some purchase as they move.
  12. Omfg for real! No seriously I may not even clear the first plateau on those before the tire hit the ramp, would need to measure it up. They do look better than standard ramps though.
  13. k31th I used to do the same as you coz to low. Then I saw a pic of aarons car with a couple bits of ply aranged in a step up fashion to drive onto. I was just like "mutha f*ka"
  14. barnz

    Reroute Obdii

    In saying that rab mine is always plugged in(have unclipped port), car is driven daily, never had an issue. Just dont use it with the engine off for any extended period.
  15. barnz

    Reroute Obdii

    Also, if making pid requests with the engine off, particularly an open request so not specific to a module address and a module needs to realise its responsible for it and reply. That basically keeps every module "awake" and takes about 20mins to flatten a battery. Im also sure its that, thought I had a dud battery, then got the same result on a brand new one. The particular pid I was chasing was a temp one so was looking for a reply close to ambient, the car had to be cold. Further more torque always makes an open request it doesnt ask the module responsible for it, so using torque with engine off will pretty much always send it flat in around 20mins
  16. Cop for sure Seriously if you don't know, trying to put on a big performance for the first time infront of what could be alot of people in close proximity...not advisable
  17. maxmundy I have seen the keys play up. But probably battery, I did make a video of the mental sh*t they do when the batteries get low last time mine went. Will post it one day.
  18. They are heavy in feel compared to other cars particularly a focus, it shouldn't take a ridiculous amount of effort though, ive also noticed that the faster you try to turn the wheel the more resistance there is. You will learn to love or hate it, I like pretty much all the time except low speed, particularly parking, my dual cab ranger feels like it takes less effort to park, its longer and the turning circle is horrible. In saying that I prefer the heavier feel at high speed.
  19. Just bring the fn safety car in geeez
  20. Such a sh*t looking awesome car
  21. Blinded by the flash of an exploding mortar or shrapnel? Or blindly killing?
  22. I dont think ford US would have let them build any more at a loss just for a swan song. Given how dire they claimed things were and reasons mentioned above. They gotta be turning a little profit on these.
  23. Really hope that 1200 build number is bs. Surely they would sell as many as they can. I was bloody keen and wanted to buy new sometime before they shut up shop and just sort of expected all models would be available until end of production. Wrongly...
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