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Everything posted by barnz

  1. ^^^^^^Lol How hard does he kick it? Is there any witness marks where he kicks it and is it a nice grouping? If it is a timber gate back cut that area so it's very weak. It's definitely going to throw him off balance as it gives but hopefully it gets stuck and is epic. Then you run outside blowing up about your gate and make the f*cker/f*ckers parents buy you a new gate.
  2. It is actually marginally quicker in a circuit or drag situation. Particularly in a manual, less loss of boost on a change or even a 1-2psi spike. There is a reason WRC cars dont run them...
  3. Sorry mate I am gonna hate on that diffuser, however the bonnet looks good imo. So like you say each to their own, just coz I dont like that diffuser doesn't mean nobody should have it. Whatever spins you wheels bud.
  4. that's an expensive turbo...look forward to hearing it. Your probably going to need a t3 or t4 to v band adapter depending on what manifold you use. Or get one fabbed
  5. It may not be holding with the spring alone without pressure on the diaphragm, there is also a spike when you shut the throttle that could also force it open.
  6. Uh I would be hitting up the detailer, I mean who does the same dumb thing twice and then pretends like nothing is wrong and takes your money?
  7. Would that be the twin turbo aluminator?
  8. If you knew how DTV it takes to cause problems you would make sure everything is in check, including wheel nut torque. http://www.dba.com.au/tech-article-t004-dtv-disc-thickness-variation/ T3 + A1rm's FTW. Its as good as the stock brakes get... As long as everything else is in order.
  9. that's the air brakes Steve, exhaust brakes or "Jakes" are like BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARP, usually used when not required and in the quietest part of suburbia possible.
  10. ^^^^ the closing paragraph is pretty much what I have said for a while, it's a lot of car for the you price tag and will be so much fun your not likely to care its a bit dated and down on tech. Its always been about performance when it comes to xr8 vs ss, and in the final battle the xr8 has one punch ko'd the ss, and its about time as the ls engines have had the measure of ford Australia's offerings for quite some time. VF probably wins in the handling department but in the real world driver ability is going to effect any potential match up more rather than the knifes edge performance of each car.
  11. Im guessing his bushes are already farked and hes over the axle tramp
  12. Yeah im going to have to disagree with you as well ralph, it's not like he went about it inconspicuously either, its a camera on the farkin windscreen lol.
  13. That fluid is indeed farked, make sure you syphon that sh*te out and give the reservoir a good clean before flushing again. There is no way you can see runout in the thousands of an inch with your eye bro. As said check/replace your control arm bushes before doing anything else with the brakes. Also do you torque your wheel nuts to spec in correct order?
  14. I think you will find its a lower temp thermostat mick installed not a high flow one. Call rapeco back and ask if they have different temps
  15. Wait what? No way. Did you just reset everything or something?
  16. Correct Tab but factory backing and commitment is important. Have a look at Nissan/Volvo vs Mercedes for example. Erebus haven't enjoyed the early success that nissan and volvo have, largely because they are doing it on their own, and wont be as of next year from what I've heard, so there you have it no more Mercedes. If you want your brand to be successful in the eyes of potential customers and fans then you need to back it. Not every team can have a sponsor with cash like redbull who probably have more coin to commit to this kind of sh*te than the factory teams.
  17. Not sure what the go is really, ford didn't need to pull out, they could have ran whatever falcon replacement they had lined up. The Altima is a good example of this. FPR is also a successful team, and what better way to launch a new model? The yanks just don't want to spend the coin IMO. All this "falcon and Late model camira are dead so v8 supercars future is uncertain" Erm wat? Pretty sure they saw all this coming long ago hence the changes that have seen the category become more competitive and exciting than ever. Rules that allow anybody to play basically as long as you make something with 4 doors and have a v8 you can pluck from somewhere in your lineup, I believe the Altima's engine is based on the Patrols v8. Than there is the popularity of the category which extends world wide. Some examples I found in 5 seconds: http://www.v8supercars.com.au/news/championship/bathurst-ranks-second-in-twitter-tv-ratings http://m.motoring.com.au/news/2014/motorsport-v8-supercars-sees-better-tv-picture-42690 Nah things are going terrible, the category is moving forward and by pulling out I feel like ford is choosing not to, atleast ford is an internationally recognised brand unlike holden, as international popularity grows and the focus shifts that way, there will be little prestige in beating a Holden... Think im just being a fan boy? Its already recognised as the number 1 touring car category in the world and has been granted international status by the FIA allowing up to 6 international races a year... It is only my opinion but I think from its humble beginnings its set to become the international stage for touring car racing...one day, it's still quite a young category compared to the like of f1, its international popularity has only come about in the last decade, and international events(nz doesn't count...) have only been over the last few years. Other things that sh*t me is the whole tv deal thing, really dumb move ratings wise IMO. I looked into foxtel, and just so I can watch v8 supercars its like 55 bucks pm min and that's just a sports package and one sh*t genre package. Massive fail. The name change gear moving forward with the international focus well I dont know... It could have a better name I guess but I think the bigger picture is no more v8's. Which is kind of sad and instantly makes me loose a little interest. If they they went high tech turbo 6's of atleast 3.5l displacement id still be down though. But like f1, it will have lost its soul...the sound...
  18. I have just unclipped the obd port which allows it to sit back far enough to get the fuse cover on. Really any of the bluetooth obd dongles will do they are all pretty dodgy lol...some work great others not at all. Depends how good the ELM clone is. Alternatively if you want to shell out for something with a genuine ELM chip it should guarantee you receive a perfectly working device. More often than not its the soldering in the clones that let's them down and not the clone chip. Hence they are hit and miss. The other alternative is get an obd cable and use forscan which is better really but let flashy and not avalible for mobile devices. Also if you intend on using torque on an iPhone you will need a wifi obd dongle
  19. Slow motion bits made me loose my sh*t for some reason
  20. barnz

    Need Help

    Did you put the bolts back in for the bar that are behind the inner guard?
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