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Everything posted by barnz

  1. Needs moar black roof and wheels.... And suede....
  2. In 11 years of owning modified cars I've never had a cop pop the hood or give em the once over. Even when I had obnoxious sounding v8's. I think it comes down to how you drive. How it looks, im not into external mods, wheels and a good stance is all I need, and obviously a bit of luck.
  3. pff, lift off over steerI'm sure you know the drill drift......Queen?
  4. A1rm's Imo Pros - work very well can take a beating Pretty much no competition in the price range, cept pmu's Cons - noisy dusty, initial bite when cold isn't great, this is apparently worse with brembos Dusty Noisy
  5. Well you get what you pay for....In any industry
  6. That sucks mate but sounds pretty average on his behalf, there are times when I couldn't give a sh*te either but what makes 1 person exempt to the rules or rather, pretty standard work ethic....
  7. I do like the a1rm's...but ill be trying the pmu's next. I bet you end up taking them out matty..
  8. Faaaark, Yeah having not had a falcon dash out before it will probably take me 10, did you throw a new mixer shaft in as a precaution? Or can they just fail at anytime really? Ill try the drain first obviously.
  9. How long did that take Ralph........mine is doing the same chit, haven't checked the drain yet but given it only happens on a hot day with the window down.....I'm thinking the worst...
  10. that's a very tidy bay gege, should have just masked out a little strip for a viewing window on the header tank.
  11. Man....your steering wheel needs more suede if you have to wear those
  12. barnz

    Age Of G6Et Owners

    It seems the g6et is the best looking of the fgx bunch
  13. Yes, this stuff is likely to explode unless the tune is adjusted for the extra black, better off using suede...
  14. Spot on....over took a 4wd doing 80 in a 100 zone on a wet country road yesterday...sideways(my single pegger turns both 90% of the time, probably farked...) I was grinning like a silly kid for the next 10min...even the au will hang it out in the wet. Not sure I can live without that just yet. Awd is a start for skoda I guess but im not really after a cross over I would just buy a 4wd if I wanted it. Keen to explore the aspects of driving an awd performance car....I really like the rs4 wagons now lol...but pricey for a 7 year old car though
  15. I have considered other options also, but fwd is so gay. Look at azzas wagon, practical, sounds horn and does 65m skids...the skodas are nice and so are the offerings from vw and Audi(funny that...) but its just not me, not yet anyway... Actually Audi would make a v8 wagon wouldn't they? Probably AWD id assume...hadn't considered that, thanks for the suggestion kimbo (see what I did there) Well new ones are waaaay out of my price range at around 200k but this looks awesome Check out this Audi RS4. http://www.carsales.com.au/private/details/Audi-RS4-2007/SSE-AD-3123080
  16. I did indeed matty, ive been driving it alot more than the g6. Its so much more practical, v8 soundtrack, costs me 55-60bucks to do 450ish kays, and those blos lpg carbies I got are fkn magic, feels exactly the same as it does on petrol with no restriction and ive picked up 100ks a tank, might even get it dyno tuned with a bit more timing(coz gas burns slooow, not coz higher octane, in reality pump lpg is around 98 octane)just to finish off the conversion nicely. I can take this carnt everywhere Oh and the family and all their chit as well. Being a fairmont it has all the fruit and although its slow..its comfy as, even with the old 19's of the geegee Yep, its one of my favourite cars that I have owned, it has alot of character, however it does look like an undertakers work car and it is going on 15yo. Now I have said this previously but if ford made an g6et sports wagon or an xr8 wagon id buy it in a heart beat. So what options do I have? Dont have the coin for an amg or bmw wagon....which pretty much leaves 2 options...Bogan special redline or hsv tourer...I have owned more v8 commos than falcons so im not bothered. Also Steve if I win the lotto I have been dreaming of a FG coupe with a 888 chassis and AWD for a while. Ive often looked at the back of the g6 and imagined how cool it would look a little shorter with 2 doors...
  17. http://m.ebay.com.au/itm/251454322439 Seriously though that looks like a proper supercar, interior though...looks like they been watching too much night rider
  18. I know what you mean, dragon age inquisition has been awesome, gta5 has a good story line, quite amusing at times. I was really into the story of far cry 3 but 4..not so much. Games like CoD the story line does feel secondary to the online portion. Almost like a token thing.
  19. Im also struggling with first person shooters on a console panda. Always been a competitive PC gamer but its collecting dust now I have a ps4. Always had a PlayStation but they were the ones collecting dust. Im not sh*t but not great either. Dunno how some karnts can be so good with a little joystick. I rekon some people have to be using a Kb and mouse... My whole response is based on the assumption you are using a console also...
  20. Not sure if serious fluff but I am also considering a tourer. I want one with flex fuel though which is MY13 isn't it? Id also like to keep the g6 and just replace the au wagoon with a boagoon, so everybody just calm down I will still own a ford...
  21. ^^^lmfao Punching above your weight there jet
  22. Gunna you know better than that mate...all that effort and time you put in looking after it and then you go and use an automatic car wash?
  23. ^^try this Or Sounds like you need to check your valve timing, I suspect if you pull your rocker cover off you might find your guide has been broken..by the chain skipping.
  24. 9 sec passes with 560rwkw on a stock tailshaft? How many passes?
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