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Everything posted by barnz

  1. The amount we spend on these cars surely everybody can afford a few bucks for a sticker ffs lol. Anybody who has said they are keen and doesn't buy one can gtfo. You do have a ban stick tab....
  2. Id just be keen for a fairly plain white one with a neat font.
  3. Its good, be aware though, healing mechanics are gone and new damage mitigation mechanics have replaced it. I find it rewarding but have to admit it pissed me off at first. Almost abandoned it but im glad I didn't.Also if youve been living under a rock and havent played gta5 yet, do it ffs. Rockstar really out did themselves this time around. Anybody who gives that game anything less than 10/10 can just fark off and die lol. Usual open world madness but the main story in this one is excellent.
  4. This is an 20 inch 8.5 +35 with a 30/245 on the front. Dont sit as flush as I would have liked. +30 would be perfect for an 8.5 front imo Also fg rear guards cant really be rolled, feel the guard there is pretty much nothing there as it is. This is a 9.5 in +38 and it looked to me like there was plenty of room on the inside to fit atleast a 10 inch without any mods as long as the offset was spot on. Could be wrong. Excuse chit pics with no centre caps at time..
  5. Dont the b series need an fg fuel tank for the KPM setup?
  6. Kind words there dags.... We're talking farkin stickers not key rings and chit. There are plenty of mobs that make stickers. I'd pay say around 10 bucks for a half decent tastefull sticker. Surely there would be no loss at that rate. It's just to promote the forum and encourage new members which intern helps site sponsors through exposure to a larger community. Geez talk about shooting a bloke down for trying. I agree this is not a club though...
  7. barnz

    New Members Thread

    Your on the right track, wheel choice can really make the look of a car. Something light weight with an aggressive offset but not silly amounts of poke.
  8. So would I....but she would be doing the walk of shame back to the bus stop/traino whilst carrying her shoes.... Always makes me chuckle when I see some bird doin exactly that at 5am in the morning on my way to work.
  9. I think she comes across as a stuck up bitch that thinks she's all that and a bag of potato chips. I have hated every Ford ad for years, I put my wedges on my left foot (both???) And my runners on my right foot, handbag holders, territory owners giving each other a poofta wave, comradery between focus drivers. Fark me No idea why they don't sell fark all....
  10. +1 for dba'a, cheap rda's just wont take the punishment. The budget t2's are a better option than rda slotted imo.
  11. Saw a ve maloo today with a very lumpy idle and what sounded like a bigish stall, gave the throttle a blip and it just instantly snapped sideways. Was in traffic so was literally just a little toe of the throttle. Tough as. I'm really starting to miss v8's bad...even though not one that I have owned pulled like a stock fg turbo does below 130ish km/h
  12. I get 16.2/100 if it makes you feel any better. Regular short trips with lots of loud pedal will do that...
  13. Well that is actually good bang for buck then if 325. I like those also...would like them more in black
  14. Wat U talkin bout Willis, says vcm otr and tune only, no zorst. Was posted may 2014, u sure its a 325?. Said it was a decent gain all the same. Looks like it bell curves a bit. Wondering why it doesn't pull to redline? Put your pants back on
  15. Not enough suede in the mid you reckon...
  16. Pretty good for otr and tune, however it does apparently have 340kw stock. Why does it start to fall over at the top end? Cam I assume? Stock exhaust even? Doesn't sound restrictive but that doesn't mean chit Joel's VF Clubsport. OTR & Tune: http://youtu.be/tqjuvlDxI4k
  17. "#Hashtag" with Jimmy Fallon & Justin Timberlake …: http://youtu.be/57dzaMaouXA
  18. What I though was interesting was the fat torque curve that appears to be shown on the graph on the engine cover but the dynos curve was......not as fat
  19. VF HSV BRAND NEW ON DYNO IN STOCK FORM !!: http://youtu.be/PIeibllatZg
  20. Ive suggested GeGe6 do his boot lip since he did the roof. Would look Makes me giggle every time...
  21. Whatever matches the wing closest, satin? I think if your doin the black roof, black boot lip on a white car thing, which does look great, the blacks should match, including wheels I reckon
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