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Everything posted by barnz

  1. Mine are stamped on the back of one spoke
  2. Google nexus devices, although not the bargain they once were (specs are top shelf now days). No bullsh*t, pure AOSP or the option to easily unlock boot loader and flash one of the many community built roms. CM is my pick. Oh and you always have the latest version of android. Lollipop is by far the best yet. Makes kitkat feel like windows xp. Had all the nexus phones up to N4. This xperia Z1 is good but will be going back to nexus next phone. Every other manufacturer makes it to hard to run fully working custom roms as the source for their hardware is rarely avaliable.
  3. If its a zf open the coolant expansion tank before you go for a drive and look for signs of gearbox oil. Also be on the look out for any flaring being modded. Try and do some wide open changes if possible. Rubber in the guards lol Usual clunks from bushes. Not a deal breaker but may be able to knock the price down a bit. Worn power window switches, one of my rear ones was farked when I bought it. Didn't even notice. Outside temp sensor incorrect, another thing I didn't notice. Make sure the aircon is cold and all works properly(mixer shaft) Umm not sure what else Edit: leaks around timing cover, rough idle. If your really keen take a screw driver so you can remove some piping to check turbo shaft play. Hopefully it already has an after market oil feed and filter or screen removed
  4. Didn't jets green fg f6 have 197xxx when he traded it for a Holden......sorry HSV.....
  5. Bah, I did read thread, everybody being wankers. Was curious about the idea myself, had a google, posted a link. Flamed. In that case, the refried beans was probably your best option... Edit....lol seems I missed post 26...fair call
  6. http://www.alphalineauto.com.au/seatheaters.html
  7. The first batch of new ones has been printed is where its at lol
  8. Its a falcon...it will do it. To what degree depends on alot of things that has already been mentioned. Maybe somebody could take you for a ride in their car and show you(op) what "normal is"
  9. Yeah whats been happening the last 2 months pep
  10. Yep servos with a high turn over are the go, like I said storage matters as well. I have no idea what extra measures United and caltex have in place for storing ethanol fuels, if any at all. I'd be more worried about 91 e10 blends at low turn over servos. As its blended with a low grade fuel to begin with so could potentially end up being lower than 91.
  11. Ethanol is hygroscopic and attracts water, even moisture from the air. Obviously water and oil(petrol) don't mix so any ethanol that has attracted water will settle at the bottom of the tank. Thus changing the ethanol content of the blend. So yeah definitely has a shelf life which can vary depending on how well it is stored.
  12. Haha both my cats are karnts, they think they are so tough having a go at my border collie through the screen door...then I open the door and let him at it. House usually gets wrecked and missus gets angry. But hey the dog and I thought it was great.
  13. I thought drone was the main reason people went a twin over a single, haven't heard many say they couldn't make the power with a single.
  14. Back the straps of 1 click, 330rwkw k thanks bai
  15. Pretty rare, the average seems to be closer to 310, e85 different story
  16. Haha your probably on some kind of government watch list now for saying those words on the net
  17. Probably about time you did pads, rotors braided lines and a fluid with the highest dry boiling point you can find. Which will be the best combo that will fit behind those 16inch rims
  18. Having the injection pre compressor is more of a race car thing to do, even then you would want to have heaps of money. It does improve the efficiency of the turbo by filling in all the little gaps BUT it will ruin the compressor wheel as you have witnessed..
  19. Fine for not voting went up as well, $470 apparently. Seems legit...
  20. Pics! If its the one in your profile pic I almost bought one in the same colour with lux pack, still wish I did sometimes..
  21. Unlike yourself....how you have not copped a name change since buying the vf I dont know. Remember when your name was dowen and you actually had a turbo...you used to be cool bro...
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