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Everything posted by barnz

  1. takes a special thread to become a sh*t post thread and OP was no where near retarded enough...
  2. oh well should net a good result with a new donk
  3. Lol that's why it just wouldnt make the power for the mods even....meh it days were realistically numbered anyway...
  4. Since when does clear coating anything make it a fkn diamond?? coz if it does....Bunnings has clear coat and is open late isnt it?
  5. Man that's a pretty awesome little timeline you put together there.
  6. lol yeah they are monster although dont the harrops have a bit better clearence than the brembos? They are a fair whack bigger than brembos... also fu rab, errybody be like look at my sunnies and shiny rocker cover and you come along with your fkn v8 supercar brakes #makeitrain
  7. They do make em actually but they are specific as your average one will be pegged well before. Saw it in a neilson racing engines vid. Stoich was like 4:1 or something retarded I cant remeber lol edit: should have googled stoich is 6.5ish:1 which is still pouring it in. May have been targetting 4:1
  8. rear rocker fitting to plenum, with a check between can and manifold so it doesnt get boosted. Front breather to intake with a can no check required wont see pressure. and thinking about it given neither circuit goes to the intake or manifold currently... That oil in your intale came from...your turbo?? Not sure what else it could be. How does the cooler etc look?
  9. xr badges arent that gay as they are well paced and need a double take... Altezza tail lights doe.....
  10. lel who the fu*k roller blades like that. Id love to know if that's a scene from a movie or just some rando weirdo on his daily arobablade
  11. yep, he even drank the iced coffee from the side by punching a hole in it with his keys... Just your typical subway eating methods....
  12. Keif would argue with an eskimo about ice fishing... coz expert on that too...
  13. you would want longevity out of a 1200 dollar card. Its a beast
  14. No, that's individual core clock, and memory clock is x2 on nvidia cards which has to do with bus width Im fairly sure. Radeons are x4 but have lower clocks per bus..width. 1500mhz = 6000mhz on the radeons 256bit bus... Without using google at all...that's how I have assumed it works lol. it all seems like smoke and mirrors to me, half the width but twice the speed, twice th3 with half the speed... because cards from both brands perform quite similarly at a given price point and can go tit for tat depending in whats thrown at them.
  15. Pretty handy, more than my ST would make at the treads id say and lighter, would certainly rip, throw some serious suspension at it and hit some track events, hill climbs etc. But knock limited? at 19psi on 98?
  16. lol would be halarious on the beach that's awesome Miss grego he was another good khunt that gave zero fhucks
  17. yeah but if we had exactly the same car its like a fkn glitch in the matrix
  18. Aint nobody got time for single peggers. Get back in ya VN and mang mang on khunt..... ...Says a guy named matt with a g6et to a guy named matt with a g6et.. if yours was silhouette id have to kill you coz cant be 2 of us round here...true story
  19. Yeah I do, its only a couple months old. I expect it will be fine at the OC speeds as it was ASUS STRIX factory overclocked card anyway. The factory overclocks are always conservative the main difference over reference cards being on the power side of things. Basically gives the card the scope to handle more power draw and support more performance with more juice. Hard to say exactly what netted it but the 160/800mhz overclock equaled about 1000 3d mark points on firestrike. that's a fair whack for just leaning on it harder and $0. So my guestimate of 1mhz = 10 points is a bit off. Perhaps not a linear scale. Radeons have twice the memory bandwith of geforces so seem to respond well to memory overclocks however the type of memory amd use is inferior to nvidias and gets flaky if you push it too hard.
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